Trump Organization Quietly Removes Birtherism Boast from His Corporate Bio

It also conveniently omits mention of his failed deals and bankrupted projects.

When it came to promoting the racist birther conspiracy that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, there was no louder voice than Donald Trump. He was obsessed with the racist notion that Barack Obama wasn’t ‘one of us.’ He spent hours talking about it on cable news, tweeting about it. In 2012, he even offered up $5 million for President Obama's personal records:

“If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give, to a charity of his choice — inner city children in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research, anything he wants — a check, immediately, for $5 million," Trump said in a video made in his Trump Tower office. "The check will be given within one hour after he released all of the records, so stated.”

Two years later, the blowhard upped the offer to $50 million. Of course he knew full well he’d never have to pay that sum, but his racist conspiracy peddling kept him front and center on talk shows. He was so proud of his public efforts to ‘expose’ Barack Obama, he included it in his official bio on the Trump Organization’s website. Well, like Russian thieves in the night, his birther bragging has disappeard. From CNN:

The line, which had been included in Trump's bio since as early as August 2015, read, "In 2011, after failed attempts by both Senator McCain and Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump single handedly forced President Obama to release his birth certificate, which was lauded by large segments of the political community." The line was removed at some point between January 13 and January 24 of this year, a review of the Internet Archive shows. Trump took office on January 20. 


Not so proud anymore, apparently. Perhaps he could offer an apology to Barack Obama now?

Also removed were references to several failed deals and bankrupted Trump projects:

The Trump Organization also made other changes to Trump's bio early this year. References to a Trump-branded Puerto Rico golf course that went bankrupt and failed projects in Azerbaijan and Brazil have been removed. Mentions of Trump Towers in Istanbul have also been removed, along with a line about his products being sold at Macy's, which dropped Trump's product line after his controversial comments about Mexican immigrants.




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