Michael Moore Leads Star-Studded Protest at Trump Tower

Michael Moore Leads Star-Studded Protest at Trump Tower

Michael Moore is joined by Olivia Wilde while heading to Trump Tower for a protest against President Trump on Tuesday night (August 15) in New York City.

The 63-year-old filmmaker is currently doing a one-man show on Broadway and he was joined by other stars like Olivia and her 1984 co-star Tom Sturridge, as well as that evening’s theatregoers Mark Ruffalo, Marisa Tomei, and Fisher Stevens.

“Stand up for justice, stand up for America. Trump is not a legitimate president. Trump is not America. We love America,” Olivia chanted with the crowd.

Zoe Kazan was also there and chanted, “We reject facism. We reject white supremacy. We reject neo-Nazis. We will not accept white supremacy in the White House. We will not accept violence towards black and brown people. We will not accept Nazi rhetoric in 2017. We have power, we we have voices, we will not silenced.”

Click inside to watch more videos from the protest…

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