These 10 'Game of Thrones' characters disappeared, but could come back in a major way this season

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There are tons of characters on "Game of Thrones," and it's hard enough to remember all the main character's names sometimes, let alone the minor ones.

And on this show, anyone could come back unexpectedly. So to help you be the one who can tell your friends exactly who that character you haven't seen a while is, here's our guide to forgotten "Game of Thrones" characters who could return in the future  some in a very big way. 

Here are some forgotten "Game of Thrones" characters who could return in season seven or season eight:



As the only remaining bastard of King Robert Baratheon, Gendry is the only Baratheon left alive. This definitely has some significance, so it would be shocking if we never saw him again.

The last we saw him was back in season three, when Davos set him free from Stannis and Melisandre, who planned to sacrifice him to the Lord of Light. 

Until we meet again, Gendry's still rowing. 

Salladhor Saan


Don't remember Salladhor Saan? Fair enough. He's barely in the show. He's a pirate and friend of Davos from his days as a pirate. In fact, he's a pirate lord and sellsail who commands a fleet of thirty ships. Salladhor is recruited by Stannis Baratheon (thanks to Davos) to help in the Battle of the Blackwater, but abandons the cause after Stannis loses. 

In season five, Stannis and Davos secure a loan from the Iron Bank of Braavos. This allows Davos to pay Salldhor for his service to Stannis' cause, but that's the last time we see him.

Will Davos recruit Salladhor for Team Dany to replace the ships and people lost in Euron Greyjoy's attack on Yara's fleet? It's certainly a possibility, and would explain why we got that scene between Davos and Salladhor in season five. 

Illyrio Mopatis


Illyrio is a Magister in Pentos and a supporter of House Targaryen. In season one, he sets up the marriage of Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo, and feeds Varys information on Dany and Viserys, who both support the latter's claim to the Iron Throne. In season five, though unseen, he lets Varys and Tyrion stay in his home in Pentos after their escape from King's Landing together.

Varys could bring Illyrio onto Dany's team for some more foreign support. He's also super wealthy, which could prove helpful to Dany. 


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