Blake Lively Reveals Why She Loves Ryan Reynolds 'Most of the Time'

Blake Lively Reveals Why She Loves Ryan Reynolds 'Most of the Time'

Blake Lively looks so sultry and summer-ready on the cover of Glamour magazine’s September 2017 issue, on newsstands August 8.

Here’s what the 29-year-old actress had to share with the mag:

On her and Ryan Reynolds being conscious of the language they use around their daughters: “But with my husband, I’m lucky to have someone who is so conscious. My husband was like, ‘Why do I always say he?’ And I said, ‘That’s what we’re taught.’ So he’ll pick up, like a caterpillar, and instead of saying, ‘What’s his name?’ he’ll say, ‘What’s her name?’ Or we’ve joked that my daughter is bossy. But my husband said, ‘I don’t ever want to use that word again. You’ve never heard a man called bossy.’ …. There would never be any negative connotation for a man being a boss, so to add a negative connotation on a woman being bossy? It’s belittling. And it doesn’t encourage them to be a boss. So do I know how to be the best parent for a daughter? No, I have no idea. All I can do is share what I’m thinking—and learn from others.”

On people thinking her life is perfect: “It’s nonsense. It simplifies people. Not all men, but a subsection of men have a desire to understand and control women. To do that, you have to paint them into this thing you can wrap your head around. But women are complex. It also is [a reminder] that what you see in the media is not real life. The night before an interview, I have complete anxiety: How is this person going to spin me? So when you read, ‘Oh, she’s got a perfect life,’ or ‘Her life is crumbling’—they pick narratives for everyone. And the narratives stick.”

On Ryan’s hilarious tweets about their kids: “[Laughs.] He may as well work for the Enquirer. When he says ‘my daughter,’ he’s never, ever talking about her. Everything is a completely made-up scenario. He’ll run them by me sometimes just to make me laugh. But oh, I’m so in love with him when he writes that stuff. I mean, I’m in love with him most of the time, but especially with that.” FYI: Read some of Ryan’s amazing tweets about being a dad here!

On why she says she loves Ryan ‘most of the time’: “I said, ‘Most of the time,’ because if I say, ‘I’m so in love with him all the time,’ then you get that eye-rolling, ‘Oh, her life is so great, she’s so perfect.’ So it’s, like, my defense mechanism.”

For more from Blake, visit

FYI: Blake is wearing a Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello dress.

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