Dentists May Know What Was Going on with Trump's Slurred Speech

Theories abound, but the most convincing answers are about oral care.

President Donald Trump’s speech seemed thick and slurry during his speech about Jerusalem on Wednesday, causing some to question whether his dentures were slipping.

In video posted on Twitter, the president’s lower teeth certainly seem to be doing their own way-out thing during the speech, particularly during the last 90 seconds and on the words “United States.”

The slippage appeared to indicate a sliding lower plate, which led to speculation as to whether the president has gone on record as wearing dentures instead of opting for more permanent — and convenient — dental implants.

A Long Island dentist named Dr. Terry Shapiro — who has not treated Trump — wrote about the president’s unnaturally white-looking teeth on his personal blog.

Shapiro pointed readers to a 2015 story by The Daily Beast’s Ciro Scotti, who wrote, “About 15 years ago, I had occasion to consult with a fancy Upper East Side dental surgeon who specialized in cosmetic work.”

While there, the dentist confided to Scotti that one of his clients was then-real estate mogul and TV game show host Donald Trump, who would come in every six months insisting that his veneers weren’t white enough.

Veneers are a layer of hard white resin that dentists glue to the front of a patient’s tooth to make it appear whiter, longer or more symmetrical to the teeth around it. They are semi-permanent and usually intended to stay on the teeth for 10 to 20 years.

Trump would demand that his be changed twice a year.

“I tell him that if they are too white, they won’t look real,” the dentist said to Scotti, “but he won’t listen. So he picks a shade, and I make them about one-quarter as white as the shade he selects, and he goes away happy.”

Dr. Shapiro said that — if true — this could be potentially disastrous to Trump’s oral health. Each time veneers are removed, some of the original tooth gets taken away as well, leaving the remaining material weakened.

“I hope this dentist informed Trump that if he continued replacing his veneers every six months, he will soon have no tooth left to veneer — crowns, root canals, extractions, implants will be in his future, if the future is not already here,” Shapiro wrote.

Perhaps Pres. Trump has taken to wearing dentures because his original teeth are broken or missing, although this still leaves unanswered the question of why Trump wouldn’t simply opt for implants.


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