Movies Anywhere makes your digital movie library available across multiple platforms

Google has announced support for Movies Anywhere, a new service which seeks to make your movie collection available across multiple platforms. With a free Movies Anywhere account, films you purchase via Google Play Movies, Amazon, iTunes, or Vudu will all appear in a combined library — and you won’t have to repurchase them.

The service has been introduced by Disney, following its Disney Movies Anywhere service rolled out in 2014, only this time the company has managed to get some other studios involved. Any movie made by Disney, Sony, Fox, Universal or Warner, will be available across the aforementioned platforms, which means you’ll have access to a substantial collection of movies (Paramount and Lionsgate being two disappointing omissions from that list).

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Movies Anywhere will roll out first in the US but will presumably make it to further nations in future. Better still, anybody who links two or more accounts through Movies Anywhere will receive five movies for free. These are:

  • Big Hero 6
  • Ghostbusters (2016)
  • Ice Age
  • Jason Bourne (2016)
  • The Lego Movie

Google invites users to link their accounts now to take advantage of this offer, however, the Movies Anywhere website doesn’t appear to have officially launched and the Google Play page that Google links to also isn’t live at the time of writing. There’s a server difficulties message appearing on the Disney Movies Anywhere website right now too, so it’s possible that just too many people are currently looking into this.

We’ll keep an eye on it to see if anything changes later today. In the meantime, you can let us know in the comments if you’ll be making a Movies Anywhere account.

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