Conservative Commentator Writes Stinging Attack on Right-Wing Evangelical Christians for Their Trump Support
In a blistering editorial in the Washington Post, conservative commentator Jennifer Rubin blasted the so-called Christians who turned out at the Value Voters Summit in Washington D.C. over the weekend to listen to a “faithless” Donald Trump among other conservative speakers.
According to Rubin, Christian attendees have sold their souls to support a “thrice-married, frequently accused misogynist who evidences not a single Christian virtue (e.g. humility, honesty, empathy, kindness, generosity).”
Rubin conceded that Trump has delivered some red meat for social conservatives, “… in the form of a Supreme Court justice appointment of their liking, a broad order to ban transgender people from the military and sweeping permission for employers to deny birth control as part of the health-care coverage they provide.”
She then noted the widely shared report that Trump mocks Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian background, asking visitors who met with the VP if Pence “makes them pray.”
“Mocking prayer? Denigrating the effort to overturn Roe v. Wade?” Rubin asked. “They’d be horrified if a Democrat came close to that sort of conduct. Does Trump believe these things, or is he merely willing to humiliate a devout Christian for his faith?”
“Trump knows that without the religious right, he’s politically dead,” Rubin continued. “There is little likelihood that he will cross them on a policy issue of any importance. Like the National Rifle Association, the religious right made a pact with someone who never evidenced any concern for their issues. So far, the gamble has paid off for both. Trump and Republicans remain the NRA’s poodles; Trump delights in fighting the culture wars.”
She then called out the attendees.
“Christian conservatives should give up the ruse — they’ve made a bargain with the most irreligious and faithless president in history, a man who holds what they value in contempt,” she lectured. “Their scam — that they and their candidates operate from some high, moral plane and are the true repositories of American values — should end with this president.”
“They are nothing more and nothing less than an anti-abortion, anti-gay lobby group that seeks to enlist government to impose their ideological positions on others. In short, they are what their critics have always claimed,” she concluded.
You can read the whole piece here.
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