This all-you-can-eat buffet chain is making monumental changes — and one visit made us realize why they were necessary
Hollis Johnson
Golden Corral is making some drastic changes.
The all-you-can eat buffet chain is revamping its design with airier dining rooms and more streamlined footprints. On Monday, Golden Corral announced it's installing meat smokers and adding more barbecue options to the menu at its nearly 500 restaurants.
With revenue falling 2.6% last year, according to CNBC, the chain desperately needs to jump start its business. But, what exactly needs to change?
We visited a Golden Corral in Waynesboro, Virginia, to find out if this American classic needs a makeover, or if it's beautiful just the way it is.
The Golden Corral we visited looked like a modern fortress, overlooking the blue Shenandoah Valley with its boxy, yet bland, facade.
Apparently, it's the best buffet in Waynesboro — but we'd be the judge of that.
The entrance was a bit confusing for a Golden Corral ingénue. First, you get your drink and pay, before even finding your table and loading up on food. Prices vary by location, but we paid $8.69 for lunch and $2.29 for drinks.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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