Rachel Maddow Warns That a Lawyer for a Russian Bank May Be Confirmed to the DOJ

The scary situation is "mind-boggling."

President Donald Trump’s nominee to chair the Justice Department’s criminal division is a man named Brian Benczkowski.

He worked for the Trump campaign and transition team before joining the Russian Alpha Bank.

After his hiring, Alpha Bank sued BuzzFeed for publishing the infamous Trump dossier that referenced the bank.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow explained how the bank was the subject of scrutiny for having servers that were allegedly dedicated to communicating with Trump Tower.

[T]hey decided to put together a high-powered legal team to defend themselves against news reports and investigations into that thing with their server and the Trump Organization," Maddow said.

Benczkowski has absolutely no experience as a prosecutor, making his nomination to the Justice Department even more suspiciou

"It is absolutely mind-boggling to think that the lawyer for Alpha Bank could be running the criminal division of the JD while all these Russia investigations are going on about what happened between the Trump campaign and Russia, including the thing with Alpha Bank that is still not answered," Maddow continued. "That's the road we started heading down today."


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