How to get a 5-star passenger rating on Uber, according to drivers
REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
Ratings on Uber are a two-way street.
Not only do you rate your driver, but your driver rates you on a scale of one to five stars after each journey.
You may think, who cares? So what if my Uber drivers don't like me? But there are direct consequences of having a lower passenger rating.
As Jon Hoos, an UberX driver with two years of experience, puts it on Quora, "When your rating is low, the driver will likely take a second or two and think to themselves, 'This rider has a 3.2 star rating. I don't know if I want them in my car.' I have not accepted rides because of a poor passenger rating, and I know that I will do it again."
Now, if you just checked your passenger review (all you have to do is open the Uber app and click on the menu button in the top left corner), and you're not happy with what you find, don't fret. Since that little number under your name is an average of all your ratings, earning a few more five-star reviews will up your average rating.
Figuring out what exactly constitutes a five-star passenger is a little less clear, however.
When Business Insider asked more than 40 Uber drivers to reveal their personal rating systems, we found that, though there are some basic standards most drivers hold passengers to, oftentimes what one Uber driver may consider totally acceptable, another Uber driver may deem worthy of point deductions.
If you follow these rules, however, you're almost guaranteed to get a five-star rating:
Add a tip
"No tip, you get four stars."
"If a passenger is friendly and leaves me a tip, they get five stars. If they're friendly but don't leave a tip, they get four stars."
Don't keep the driver waiting
"Everyone starts at five stars. Certain things can knock off a star or two. The most common reason for a lower passenger rating is making us wait after we arrive to pick you up. If you're ready to go at the curb when we arrive, it means a lot."
Be polite
"Rude passengers immediately get four stars. Depending on the level of rudeness, their rating can go down to one star. Most of my riders get five stars."
"Everyone I drive is five stars unless they are terribly rude."
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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