Fired Google employee James Damore has Twitter war after KKK questions
(Credit: Twitter/JamesADamore)
Everyone’s favorite fired Google employee is yet again sparking outrage with one of his ridiculously hot takes. Instead of arguing that women have been simply locked out of tech because of “biological differences,” as he suggested in the leaked memo that got him fired from Google last month, Damore has decided to take up a peculiar defense of America’s most infamous white supremacists.
Damore, who has become a right-wing darling since loudly proclaiming he was unjustly fired for speaking the truth, tweeted this trick question on Wednesday in an apparent quest to “acknowledge any positive aspect” of the Klu Klux Klan:
The KKK is horrible and I don’t support them in any way, but can we admit that their internal title names are cool, e.g. “Grand Wizard”?
— James Damore (@JamesADamore) September 20, 2017
Continuing his pattern of innocently asking questions political correctness has prevented tech nerds from asking, the fired Google engineer went on to argue that the angry responses that were piling up in response to his poll only help to push fans of the roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons into the arms of the KKK’s Grand Wizard. In other words, an unwillingness to admit that the Nazis had cool uniforms and medals is why Trump won.
You know you’ve moralized an issue when you can’t criticize its heroes or acknowledge any positive aspect of its villains.
— James Damore (@JamesADamore) September 20, 2017
If you make the actual KKK the only place where you can acknowledge the coolness of D&D terms, then you’ll just push people into the KKK.
— James Damore (@JamesADamore) September 20, 2017
After essentially asking Twitter for permission to go full on white supremacist, Damore got the attention he so desperately wished for, including a basic history lesson from celebrity scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Of course, plenty of people are aware that some of the most popular television shows and movies and board games use the term wizards without advocating racial genocide.
The Klan designed all its iconography to make it easy for white folks to laugh them off. You're a dupe if you fall into that trap.
— Near deGrasse Tyson (@DrNeilTyson) September 20, 2017
Good work on your failed hot take from 1868
— Near deGrasse Tyson (@DrNeilTyson) September 20, 2017
How could Google have let such Genius go?
— psytizen duck (@sarahjeong) September 20, 2017
I appreciate James Damore continuing to provide evidence that the bar at Google was most certainly lowered in a specific case…for him.
— EricaJoy (@EricaJoy) September 20, 2017
*Game of Thrones is the most popular show in the world*
James Damore: "kids are joining the KKK because no one talks about dragons!"— Zeru (@DoubleStraps) September 20, 2017
when u have no job during the day
and begin thinking about the kkk
that's damore— cale g weissman (@caleweissman) September 20, 2017
I could make jokes about it all day, but the fact that "actually, the KKK has cool names" is a thing is very Damorelizing
— Kyle Foley (@KFoleyFL) September 20, 2017
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