15 Netflix shows that are only good if you binge-watch them
Sometimes, as the saying goes, you’ve got to look at the big picture.
Netflix has become a content machine, churning out shows, specials, and special shows faster than anyone can truly keep up with – that is, of course, unless your binge-watching. What a world we live in when you can legitimately say, “Nah, I’m not going out tonight, I’m sitting on my couch and watching eight straight hours of television,” and people will nod and accept it as a viable answer for a thing to do.
The issue, of course, is what to watch. Not everything the streaming service produces is actually that good, especially if you want to get sucked into a storyline so gripping you can’t seem to get out. Luckily, Netflix has a whole slew of programming literally designed to do just that. These are shows that are exponentially better when viewed as a whole rather than individual chapters. In fact, a lot of them can downright suck without watching them from start to finish.
We want to grab this list, grab your remote and Netflix and Chill in the most literal, non-euphemism way possible.
Here are 15 Netflix shows that are only good if you binge-watch them:
15. "The Get Down"
The Get Down is style and slickness in bingeable form, filled with color and light and thumping bass and loud music and it’s all is so over-the-top, my god, why is it so over-the-top.
This story of the rise of hip-hop in the South Bronx through the eyes of teenagers is done in Baz Luhrmann’s signature style, which means that everything’s exhausting, candy-colored, the dancing is beautiful, and the fight scenes are ridiculous.
Sadly, this can drag the show out, making it hard to care about the characters. Stay with it, though – the show nicely builds into something worth watching. There are only 11 episodes in total, and as the plot progresses, the story deepens and things become less ridiculous, ending in a truly satisfying conclusion for The Get Down Brothers.
14. "Hemlock Grove"
Welcome to Hemlock Grove, Pennsylvania, a lovely town filled with lovely hardworking people, nice scenery, werewolves, angel babies, fake-psychics, and a slew of murders.
Wait, what?
This supernatural soap opera can be a little much for anyone to take in, especially if you just sit down for an episode or two. But give it some time, especially because the pace of the plot moves at the speed of a snail riding a sloth. The acting, especially by Bill Skarsgard, is top-notch, and the dreamy, strange atmosphere does become addicting after a while.
Above all, the character arcs grow nicely, and issues that take place in season one come full circle by the end of season three. Unlike a werewolf attack, it’s not fast, but it does get the job done.
13. "The Santa Clarita Diet"
Do you like shows about zombie attacks? Great. How about suburban comedies? Now, what if we combined them together?
We have zero idea who Santa Clarita Diet was made for, since it’s not quite intense enough for horror fans and way too gory for lovers of typical sitcoms. A lot of people were turned off for both those reasons, but take a moment and turn it back on.
The show nicely builds upon itself, deepening both the characters and the world. The mystery of why a mild-mannered real estate broker would suddenly start eating people is nicely explained and you do start to care for the entire family. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy watching Drew Barrymore go a little crazy from time to time?
The laughs get funnier as the show goes on and the gore doesn’t drop. There’s a joke here about clutching your stomach for a couple reasons, but we’re not in a sitcom – just writing about one!
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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