Trump Caught 'Liking' Bizarre Tweet About Rape, Orgies and Sex Trafficking at His Model Agency

Just when you thought the president's Twitter feed couldn't get any more deplorable.

President Donald Trump was still glued to Twitter, if his “favorites” are any indication.

At 11:44 p.m. EST Thursday evening, Trump clicked the “heart” on a tweet from a user who calls themselves Alexander Hamilton. The tweet, accused the president of rape and conducting orgies using the models at his former agency, Trump Model Management.

Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs captured it, as did the Hamilton account.

The Hamilton account wondered if perhaps Trump’s “thumb was trembling” and the favorite was an accident. It was briefly the 13th “favorite” that the president had. If his finger did slip and like the tweet by accident, no other tweet was favorited.

The favorite was quickly undone and no other activity took place on the Trump account. Over the past several months, the Trump Twitter account has been blockingmany of those who have been critical of him. It was never clear if Trump was doing that himself or delegated it to a staffer.

His existing favorites highlight those from his family, including one tweet from daughter and senior advisor Ivanka about a meeting in Sant’Egidio in which she learn about “remarkable work with survivors of human trafficking and with those still suffering.” He has also liked tweets from First Lady Melania Trump about the Easter Egg Roll and when she met children at the American International School in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Raw Story reached out to the person behind the account for comment, but did not hear back.


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