Thousands of counterprotesters descended on Boston and drowned out a right-wing 'free speech' rally
Getty Images/Scott Eisen
Roughly 40,000 people descended on Boston Common on Saturday to protest a controversial right-wing "free speech" rally that had been planned.
The event came one week after violence and chaos erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia during a white nationalist rally. One woman died after an apparent white supremacist plowed his car into a crowd of counterprotesters.
In contrast, Saturday's demonstrations in Boston remained largely peaceful, despite some skirmishes with police. Twenty-seven people were ultimately arrested, police told media.
Here's how the day unfolded:
A right-wing rally for 'free speech' had been planned for Saturday
Associated Press/Michael DwyerBut many believed it would draw white supremacists and neo-Nazis
Associated Press/Michael DwyerRoughly 40,000 people showed up to protest against the rally
Reuters/Stephanie KeithSee the rest of the story at Business Insider
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