The jobs numbers aren't as good as they look

Komal Sri-KumarBloomberg

Financial markets reacted positively to Friday’s jobs numbers. 209,000 jobs were created in July, higher than consensus, and the two previous months’ figures were revised upward. The U3 unemployment rate, which most investors are fixated on, fell to 4.3%, matching a 16-year low set in May.

The headlines were sufficient to cause the 10-year US Treasury yield to increase 4 basis points to 2.26%, and for the 2-10 year Treasury spread to rise by 3 basis points. But after you experience the euphoria, look closely below the headlines. There is enough information for the yellow light to flash for investors, the Federal Reserve and the Trump administration.

Start with wages. At the conclusion of the eighth year of economic recovery — the recession is deemed to have ended in July 2009 — wages are still increasing at an anemic 2.5% annual pace, indicating a mere 0.9% rise in inflation-adjusted terms. By comparison, real GDP has been rising at around 2% over the past year, suggesting a distribution of income away from wage earners toward those getting their return from capital. A redistribution of income, by itself, is not an adverse economic development. However, with wage gains having been meager ever since the financial crisis ended, while US equity prices have rocketed upward since their low in March 2009, the wage numbers for July continued a long-running pattern, worsening the income disparity. Independently, a measure of income inequality called the Gini coefficient confirms that the US income distribution has become more unequal since 2009, and that the United States is now one of the most inequitable among the developed economies. Simply put, a quintupling of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, and the maintenance of near-zero interest rates for years, has favored equity investors over wage earners.

Let us go next to look at the unemployment rate. The drop in the much cited U3 rate from 4.4% in June to 4.3% in July prompted analyst reaction that there was very little slack in the labor market, and that the US economy had returned to full employment. Tell that to the workers who are employed part-time when they are seeking full-time employment, and those who have left the work force involuntarily, i.e., those who cannot find a job they like. That measure of unemployment, U6, is also calculated by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, and stood at 8.6% in July, unchanged from June. By comparison, the U6 was 8.4% in November 2007, the month before the Great Recession began. It had been as low as 7.9%, a year before the start of the recession. After 8 years of “recovery,” the unemployment rate is higher. Also going against the trend of a declining U3 unemployment rate, the unemployment rate for part-time workers increased from 4.2% in June to 4.5% in July. Not only were some of the part-time workers not able to get full-time jobs, but they also faced another headwind in a rising jobless rate!

The plight of low-income workers is underlined by yet another statistic. According to BLS numbers, 7.6 million workers held multiple jobs last month, up 2% from 7.4 million in July 2016. The principal reason workers hold more than one position is that no single job provides a sufficient income. In a robust economic recovery, the number of full-time workers should be rising, and the number of workers employed part-time or holding multiple jobs, should decline. The rise in the number of multiple job holders is troubling, and is yet another signal that there is still slack in the labor market. Are we there yet? No, we are still far from full employment.

A final measure showing how incomplete the labor market recovery has been comes from the participation rate for 25 – 54 year olds. 81.5% of those in this demographic category were in the work force last month compared with 83.2% in December 2007. Since the age group comprises the prime working years, there is no easy way to explain this away by pointing to an aging population or to baby boomers' desire to retire.

Economic recovery? Not yet for a significant portion of the US labor force.

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