'Morning Joe' Panel Sets Fire to Trump's Refusal to Condemn White Supremacists
President, Donald Trump is the “yardstick by which every Republican measures himself,” according to a Monday “Morning Joe” panel. So, when he refuses to pointedly disavowed Nazis and white supremacists, it doesn’t reflect well on the party.
New York Times reporter Frank Bruni went on to say that Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and as a result he has to set the standard.
“If we’re trying to look for some silver lining here,” Bruni continued, “something good to come out of it, he’s making many Republicans who were mealy-mouth on this or came out and made their principles clear. He’s making them say very sharp things they haven’t said before. When we’re done with Donald Trump, and I look forward to that day, these statements will live on.”
He went on to say that it is strange to see the president be so soft on attacks after so many times before he’s gone after people. In fact, they brought up the show hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, who were off Monday, but who have been the subjects of Trump's merciless attacks. If Trump can go after morning political talk show hosts, the panel wondered why Trump can’t disavow Nazis.
Frequent guest Richard Haas explained that there are many times in one’s life where moral questions present themselves. Over the weekend, Vice President Mike Pence flew to Columbia, Venezuela in an effort to soothe the political tensions roiling the South American nation.
“This is a country that’s been ravaged by terrorism for decades,” Haas noted. “What we saw the other day was terrorism. The intentional use of force against civilians for political purpose. When this woman was killed, and the car mowed down people, that’s domestic terrorism in the United States. You can’t separate who we are at home from what we project abroad. What happened the other day is not just domestic reality also an expression of what the United States now is.”
CNBC host and frequent guest Donny Deutsch noted that there is no difference between those who refuse to disavow Osama bin Laden. If his allies were marching in the streets, he explained, it would undermine our moral authority. He claimed that Pence’s statement also wasn’t strong enough and alleged that he “hedged it.”
After observing that white supremacists had overwhelmingly approved of the president's statement, the panel agreed again Trump needs to speak out.
“What a pathetic, sniveling, little man our president is. A coward.” Deutsch continued. “You don’t need a kitchen cabinet to outline how to deal with this.” Deutsch said later in the show, once again describing the president as a “sniveling little” man.
Rick Tyler, the former communications director for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), agreed saying that it undermines the United States on the global stage.
Watch the full discussion below:
Part 1:
Part 2:
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