Meet Anatoly Antonov, Russia's newest ambassador to the US
Anatoly Antonov, currently Russia's deputy foreign minister, will take over as Russia's ambassador to the US on September 1.
Antonov, who has been appointed to the role by Russian President Vladimir Putin and replaces long-time ambassador Sergey Kislyak, takes over at a time when tensions are at an all-time high over Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 US presidential election.
Antonov is currently under Western sanctions in connection with his involvement with the deployment of Russian troops into Ukraine during the Crimea crisis in 2014.
Throughout more than 30 years working in Russia's Foreign Ministry, Antonov has earned a reputation as a "bull-terrier" and military-style man.
Here's what you need to know about the man that many expect to take a tough stance on Russia's relations with the West:
Antonov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1983 and has worked in Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 30 years.
Source: Russia's Ministry of Defense
Over the years, Antonov has moved to higher and higher posts representing Soviet and later Russian foreign interests. He became director of the Department of Security and Disarmament in 2004.
Source: Russian International Affairs Council
Between 2011 and 2016, Antonov served as Russia's deputy defense minister — a period during which Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine.
Source: Reuters
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