Jaime King Bravely Opens Up About Almost Losing Her Kids

Jaime King Bravely Opens Up About Almost Losing Her Kids

Jaime King went through two very difficult pregnancies after countless miscarriages and she’s bravely opening up about her experience for her Galore magazine cover story.

Here is what the Bitch actress had to share with the mag:

On her reproductive trouble: “A big shift in me happened when I was diagnosed with endometriosis and poly-cystic ovary syndrome, which are very painful reproductive illnesses. I also had countless miscarriages and almost lost my children.

On initially feeling shame: “I thought that because my womb didn’t work the way I was taught it should work, I was broken. We are told as women that our great value is to be able to carry life, to carry a child. If we’re fertile and abundant, we’re a worthy goddess. But for some reason, those parts don’t function for some of us. When I was told I couldn’t carry a child, it crushed me in a way that was so much deeper than I could explain. I felt ashamed that I was suffering every day. I would wake up in pools of blood, and feel ashamed. And then I said, f–k this. I’m not going to be ashamed.”

On suffering severe postpartum depression: ” isolated myself. I was anxious all the time, I felt like I was unlovable. I couldn’t even think straight. I had to live through an entire pregnancy where I didn’t know if my child was going to live or die. I couldn’t even process the trauma because I was too busy trying to keep him and myself alive.”

For more from Jaime, visit GaloreMag.com.

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