Everything you wanted to know about teleportation but were too afraid to ask
Dyland Love
In the same month that Chinese researchers teleported a photon of light from the ground to a satellite in outer space, the world’s leading talent in physics convened in Moscow for their annual show-and-tell at the International Conference on Quantum Technologies.
We caught Dr. Eugene Polzik in attendance, a research scientist at the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute and leading expert on quantum teleportation. He was kind enough to help us make sense of this remarkable Chinese experiment.
“Teleportation of this sort has been done in its simple laboratory form since 1997,” says Polzik, “but the Chinese have accomplished an amazing technical feat because of the distance involved.”
In 2012, a European research team successfully teleported photons between two of the Canary Islands at a distance of just over 88 miles. China’s research team shattered that record in July by successfully teleporting photons more than 311 miles.
As a go-to example of Star Trek-flavored fantasy technology, our intuition tells us that teleportation is impossible. But the physics that applies the human-sized world we inhabit daily has little to do with the physics of the quantum world. The laws for a rock falling off a cliff are completely different from the laws that govern the behavior of electrons and individual photons of light. It’s by harnessing the quirks of the quantum world that a feat like teleportation is possible. But how to understand it?
It starts with quantum entanglement.
What is quantum entanglement?
Sometimes two quantum particles get “married” — whatever happens to one simultaneously happens to the other, even if they are separated by a great distance. They remain two distinct objects, but they are identical in every way. When two particles share their states so intimately, they are said to be entangled.
“Let's say I generate an entangled pair of photons,” says Polzik. “I keep one to myself and I send one to the orbiting satellite by firing a laser at it, and hoping with some probability that the photon will reach the satellite. Teleportation happens only after sharing the entanglement between the transmitting station and the receiving station.”
The technical challenge to teleportation lies in transporting a photon some distance away from its entangled partner. In this case, one photon was in a lab on Earth and another was successfully sent to a satellite in outer space. Changes made to the photon on Earth are reflected in the photon in space — this is quantum teleportation in a nutshell.
How do we know the satellite receives the correct photon, and not some random particle of light?
This is rather simple thanks to a process called spectral filtering. It enables scientists to detect and track individual photons of light as if each one had a unique ID number.
“You know the frequency of the photon you are sending, and you know its directionality. The satellite is looking at the source back on Earth, and if you have good optical equipment on both sides, then these optics see only the source and nothing else,” says Polzik.
Spectral filtering gets rid of the “noise” of other photons. The previously mentioned Canary Islands experiment was successfully carried out in broad daylight, for example.
Dylan Love
They tried to send millions of photons to the satellite and were only successful with 900 of them. Why?
The farther you want to send an entangled photon, the less efficient it is. Furthermore, Earth’s atmosphere is in a state of constant flux — it’s easy for photons to get lost on their way to outer space.
“Even if the atmosphere weren’t there, you still you need to focus your light so that it hits the satellite,” says Polzik. “If you shine a laser pointer at your palm, it will make a small dot, but if you fire it over a distance, the light diverges — this is the law of diffraction.”
It’s tricky for light to hit a bullseye in outer space (an optic receiver on an orbiting satellite) when that light is sent from the ground. It diverges like crazy, and most of your photons just go astray.
“This means you only succeed in teleportation a small fraction of the time,” Polzik says. “To a purist, it would mean that it's not very practical, but there could still be useful applications.”
So quantum teleportation is about enabling instantaneous communication and data transfer?
Not quite. These objects are not disappearing and reappearing somewhere else. Instead, scientists use entanglement to transmit the information of one photon’s quantum state to another photon, without that information needing to travel the distance in between. Still, this information does not travel instantaneously — that only happens when the sender measures the quantum state of their photon, which changes the receiver’s entangled photon.
Because of entanglement, one photon “becomes” the other photon.
So what is this for?
Quantum teleportation could eventually prove the backbone for hyper-secure global communication network. Just as a key opens a lock, a message sent over a quantum network depends upon the recipient having the appropriate entangled photon to receive and read a message.
Albert Einstein famously referred to quantum entanglement as “spooky action at a distance,” but it’s a fundamental component of how our natural world operates. It may end up being the driving force for how we communicate securely in the future.
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