Celebrities React to Heather Heyer's Mom's Powerful Words at Memorial

Celebrities React to Heather Heyer's Mom's Powerful Words at Memorial

Heather Heyer‘s parents, Susan Bro and Mark Heyer, gave powerful speeches at the memorial for their daughter, who was murdered while counter-protesting the hate and bigotry by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

“I’d rather have my child. But, by golly, if I gotta give her up, we’re going to make it count,” Heather’s mom told the packed crowd.

“They killed her to try and shut her up, but you didn’t do that. You magnified her,” she continued. At this line, the audience rose and gave Susan a standing ovation.

After watching the memorial, celebrities took to Twitter to praise Susan‘s words and slam Donald Trump for not denouncing white supremacy.

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