4 National Publications Call for Trump's Removal from Office

Suggestions include forced resignation and the invocation of the 25th Amendment.

President Trump's equivocating statements about white supremecists, beginning with his deplorable initial response to the Charlottesville terror attack, has drawn condemnation across the political spectrum. Numerous Democrats are calling for his impeachment.

Now, national publications are running editorials are calling for the president's removal from office. Suggestions for removal include impeachment, forced resignation and invocation of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Read below for excerpts of the editorials calling for Trump's ouster.

Washington Post- "President Donald Trump Must Go" - David Rothkopf

"Every day Trump remains in office is a victory for the extremists. But in that same moment on Tuesday, Trump made it clear that to defeat the champions of hatred in the United States, he must go. That he also must go to preserve the United States’ standing in the world, to ensure the safety of our people and our way of life has also been made clear in the past week."

Rolling Stone - "Republicans Must Tell Trump to Go - Now" - Jesse Berney

"The president has to go now, and it's up to his fellow Republicans to get him to leave [...] There's no question what's right for the country. President Trump must resign as soon as possible. And he will not do so without political pressure from the people in his own party. [...] And if he clings to power in the face of massive pressure from all sides, then you can impeach his ass."

Glamour - "It's Time to Impeach Donald Trump" - Hillary Kelly

"It’s time to stand together and resist any calls from the GOP for 'unity”' with the president. Unity in favor of hatred and bigotry is not an admirable pursuit [...] This is the moment for the citizenry to stand up and demand that we will not accept this man as our president. And it’s time for Congress to follow our lead."

Huffington Post - "Trump Must Go, Now!" - Lance Simmons

"The President is a danger to humanity. His reluctance to criticize fascist groups responsible for the death and violence in Charlottesville this weekend is further evidence that he is not only not equipped to be President, but that he actually poses a grave danger to both international and domestic stability [...] Quite clearly, Donald Trump needs to be removed from office, now."




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