This Morning viewers upset over cougar guest’s crude comment

It takes a lot to rile Rylan Clark-Neal, but he got more than he bargained for on today’s show during a segment with a cougar.

That’s a woman who likes her men younger, rather than the wild cat variety…

June Smith, who is 53, recently wrote a controversial article detailing her 250 dates with toy boys.

June has dated – but not slept with – 250 younger men (Credit: ITV)

And she came on the sofa to discuss it with Rylan and his co-host Alison Hammond.

“I’ve never been focused on young men, it’s just the men who have asked me out happen to be young,” June claimed.

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Rylan quipped: “We’re talking 250 toy boys here.”

“Yeah, but we’re talking about dates, not sleeping with people” June stressed. “There’s a lot of difference with going on dates.

“You have to go on a lot of dates before you meet someone to be in a relationship with.”

June managed to shock Rylan and Allison (Credit: ITV)

So far, so reasonable. And THEN she said this…

“We’re not talking wizard sleeves, if you know what I mean.”

Well, yes, June, we do know what you mean. Anyone reading who doesn’t best head to an online urban dictionary… we way to embarrassed to tell you.

Well, perhaps a clue… it’s a euphemism for lady parts. Consider the shape of a wizard’s sleeve… yep, you’re there.

Rylan’s face was a picture (Credit: ITV)

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Classy, June. Reeeeeeal classy.

Not too surprisingly, viewers didn’t really appreciate that mental image she’d served up and showed their disgust on – you guessed it – Twitter.

“WIZARD’S SLEEVE?!?! Is that what she actually means?” wrote one.

Another commented: “Bit early to be discussing wizard’s sleeves, isn’t it?”

A third said: “Did I just hear the self-professed ‘cougar queen’ refer to her ‘wizard’s sleeve’? on #ThisMorning.”

Later in the show there was more biting of the cheek-insides when viewers were shown how to trim their bushes.

Oof, we need a lie down.

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