DNC Chairman Tom Perez Tells Conspiratorial Fox Business Host She's in a 'Fictional Wonderland'

He didn't falter amid the slew of attempted gotcha questions.

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo wanted to use an interview with DNC chairman Tom Perez to discuss Donna Brazile's allegations in her tell-all book, instead of the surprise wins made by Democrats in yesterday's elections.

Bartiromo tried to focus on the treatment of Sen. Bernie Sanders by the DNC, but Perez wasn't buying it.

“Maria, we are focused on winning elections, focused on the future here,” he said. Bartiromo tried again, saying, "Right, unfortunately Bernie Sanders’ hopes were dashed because it was rigged."

Perez reminded the host that Hillary Clinton won four million more votes from Democratic voters than Sanders. Undeterred, Bartiromo shot back, "But now we know it was rigged!”

The use of the word "rigged" has become a point of controversy, as Brazile contests the use of the word in relation to her claims.

Perez had enough and wasn't going to get into the nuance with the agenda-driven host.

“Maria, I understand that when the Democrats win, as they did last night, that you’d like to focus on other things,” he said.

He was right, as the host then tried to forward conspiratorial insinuations about why the DNC didn't immediately turn over its computers to the FBI after the Russian hacking.

Perez remained unshakable and refused to play the game.

“Maria, you are in a fictional wonderland right now,” a smiling Perez said.

Watch the segment below.


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