10 most expensive Android apps and games
r what happens, you won’t find anything for over $400, right? Well, sometimes it’s fun to see what people are charging that kind of money for and so we have the most expensive Android apps and games here for you!
5-Minute Sports Medicine is an educational app that contains information on sports medicine. It boasts 280 topics, ICD-9 codes, SNOMED codes, and the ability to personalize your favorites. Apparently they go by ICD-10 codes now. That makes this both expensive and out of date! It has a lot of other info, though. However, the interface is old looking at best. Actual doctors did write it, though. That's likely why it's one of the most expensive Android apps. Its last update was in 2013. The last added feature? Support for the Nexus 7.
Developer Abu Moo took expensive to a whole different level. Instead of having just one really expensive app, he did six of the most expensive Android apps ever. Each one reaches the upper limit of Google Play's price range. The name of each app is a gemstone of some kind. Collecting all six gems will cost you about as much as a Macbook Pro. Each app comes with a one by one sized widget that does nothing but show the gem on your home screen. There are at least a thousand better ways to spend your money. However, we can't imagine there are many people with the whole collection.
Bonney's Gyn Surgery 11th Edition is another educational text book app. It covers gynaecological surgery methods that were originally created by Victor Bonney. Like the Sports Medicine app, real doctors wrote the info in this app. Additionally, it has info on various surgical procedures, images, and other information about the craft. It boasts that there is no subscription. We would certainly hope so. At $147.49, it's definitely among the most expensive Android apps.
Dr. Web Security Space life is an antivirus app. Unlike most, it offers a ton of ways to pay for the app. One of them is the absurdly expensive $75 for a lifetime license. Or is it so absurd? Most antivirus apps have monthly or yearly subscriptions. They don't seem like much at first. However, they can add up over time. Comparatively speaking, a flat $75 payment would actually save you money over a subscription service if you give it enough time. It's delightfully ironic.

Freemium games hold a special place in all of our hearts. There’s a place in the heart for rage, right? Anyway, most freemium games have sets of gems, gold, or other in-game currency that you can buy to unlock parts of the game faster. The prices for these in-game goods range from $0.99 to $99.99. Sometimes they go even higher. The most expensive option buys you an absurd amount of the in-game currency. It lets you jet ahead in the game quite a bit. That puts every freemium game on the list of the most expensive Android apps.

Mobile Accessibility US is an app for blind people. It comes with a suite of ten applications. Each one is supposed to make smartphone use easier for the blind. The apps include a dialer, contacts app, alarm, calendar, email, web browser, settings, and others. Unlike most, people actually buy this one. It currently rocks a very lukewarm 3.5 rating in the Google Play Store. On the flip side, developing apps for the blind has to be pretty difficult. In that case, 3.5 isn't half bad.

There are tons of apps that dub themselves as the most expensive Android apps ever. They usually have the same pitch and premise. Buy it now and prove to everyone that you're rich! It'll show diamonds or gems of some kind. They try to amp you up to make it seem like every rich person owns one of these apps. They're absurd, but funny. You can usually find them by searching for the most expensive Android apps on Google Play. We won't recommend any one in particular. Mostly because none of them are actually worth buying.
Have you noticed a pattern developing? Yes, we have another medical text app that is also one of the most expensive Android apps. This one is a textbook for pediatrics. It features a ton of information, is written by real doctors, and will murder your wallet. Those that do indulge will have a powerful search feature, bookmarks, and more to help them get through this massive tomb of text. It's like a must-have for doctors. It's probably not great for the rest of us.
The Color Atlas of Internal Medicine follows the patterns of prior medical texts. It's written by doctors and published by McGraw-Hill. It features over a dozen topics, in-depth information about internal medicine, and more. On the plus side, it works on both tablets and phones. At this price, that seems like a given. Like most other apps in this category, there are those who will find books like this useful. College students and doctors especially. However, us normal people probably shouldn't invest in a $129.99 book app.
Super Color Runner is an endless runner game that’s unlike others. In this game, you’ll have four paths you must run down and you have to switch between them to pick up energy pellets and batteries in order to stay alive. The game features very simple graphics and we imagine it’ll run perfectly fine on phones that cost less than this game does. There is no indication on why it costs $200, but we imagine it’s because development was abandoned and the developer didn’t want anyone buying the game for real.
10 most useless apps and games for Android
Let's face facts. Some apps are just pointless. They make little noises, do little tricks, and show fun colors. However, at the end of the day, they don't do anything useful. They lose their charm …
If we missed any of the most expensive Android apps and games, tell us about them in the comments!
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