The 4 principles I've used to build my business, and as life get harder as the years pass

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LinkedIn Influencer Ian Bremmer published this post originally on LinkedIn.

My friend Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, just came out with a new book about the principles that have guided him and his firm throughout the years (his recent TED talk is worth checking out as well).

As a side-project, he's also asking some of his friends to contribute their own principles they've tried to live by and have built their businesses on. I was happy to oblige, of course.

But now that I've started, I want to expound on these principles a bit more. Here goes.

1. Read/follow/engage with people you don't agree with

The only principle on this list that's getting harder and harder to live up to thanks to technology. Of course, echo chambers long predate Twitter and Facebook; they occur naturally in the real world by the type of work we do, the friends we have, and the neighborhoods we live in.

But that's no excuse—you know there's a world beyond what your two eyes see. You have to make a serious effort to know who these people you don't necessarily agree with are, develop a healthy understanding for their world view, and most importantly, to treat them (and their views) with respect. Hard? Absolutely. But the world will be a better place for it. Just as importantly, you'll be a better person (and run a better business) for it too.

2. Take your family, your friends, and your job seriously. Don't take yourself seriously

It's not exactly news that you should take your family and friends seriously, and treat them with the respect and care they deserve. Same goes with your work, whatever it may be. But people get tripped up on the part about not taking themselves so seriously.

Some are just wired that way; others have trouble not taking themselves seriously as they grow older or more successful. Both are recipes for disaster. Life's too short. Don't make yourself miserable. It will rub off on others. You're not that important. Trust me. I'm not either. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

3. Make sure you're challenging yourself; if it gets too comfortable, you're not growing

Easier said than done, sure, but it's the only way to make sure you stay at the top of your game. The enemy of the great isn't the bad, it's the "meh, this is good enough." It's so easy to grow complacent and comfortable in a job. It doesn't make you a bad person—in fact, many individuals grow complacent because they're content with what they've accomplished so far and now want to spend more time with their families, and that's all to the good.

But if you want to be the best at what you do—and I've built Eurasia Group to be the best at what it does—complacency has no place. Get challenged or get out

4. Invest in people above all else

Finally, this principle has been my lodestar when it comes to all things Eurasia Group, and has guided me for the last 20 years. At the end of the day, a company is only as good as the people it's built upon; a life only as rich as the people it encompasses.

That doesn't mean you should only invest in people—invest in your education, in your home, in health insurance. That much is obvious. But whenever you're confronted with the choice of investing in material goods or in people, choose the latter. There's a reason why, for as cutting-edge as the work we do at Eurasia Group is, we don't have the perks or amenities that these tech start-ups we're surrounded by in Flatiron do—it's because every spare cent I have

I invest in bringing on new people. It's how I've built Eurasia Group for the last 20 years, and how I'll keep building it for the next 20. Looking forward to it. 

Ian Bremmer is president of Eurasia Group, foreign affairs columnist at TIME and Global Research Professor at New York University. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

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