Pentagon Ignores Trump's Puerto Rico Lies and Tells the Truth About Humanitarian Crisis

Half of the territory is without reliable clean water access.

The Pentagon said on Sunday that the situation in Puerto Rico is getting worse as water supplies dwindle, even as the Trump administration has gone into overdrive on its public relations effort to convince the world that it is not neglecting the beleaguered U.S. territory.

The Hill said that the Department of Defense released an urgent press bulletin stating that 45 percent of the island’s population are still without water.

“Forty-five percent of customers have access to drinking water. Ninety-five percent of customers remain without power; power has been restored to San Juan airport and marine terminals,” the statement said.

Trump and his cabinet members have insisted repeatedly that the federal effort to bring relief to the island is going well and “getting great reviews.” They have called people who disagree with them “politically motivated ingrates” and said that Puerto Ricans are too lazy to help themselves.

The facts on the ground beg to differ, however, and many are seeing more than a little racism in the administration’s response to the devastation from Hurricane Maria.

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