Man spotted wearing 'Build the Wall' hat to Trump's Hispanic Heritage Month event at the White House

Build wall capWhite House pool photo

A man was spotted Friday wearing a "Build the Wall" hat to an event celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at the White House.

The slogan on the hat references President Donald Trump's signature campaign pledge to build a wall along the US-Mexico border to help curb illegal immigration.

A White House pool report identified the man as Fredy Burgos, a Virginia Republican. Burgos, a member of Virginia's Republican State Central Committee, was forced to apologize last year after anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant comments on social media emerged. 

Late last month, companies began constructing prototypes for the promised wall. Earlier this week, the House Homeland Security Committee approved border security legislation that includes $10 billion in funding for a border wall.

It will now head to the House floor as part of a debate on legislation to extend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which Trump announced last month his administration would phase out over six months while giving Congress a window to work out a potential permanent solution.

Democrats have vowed to oppose any wall funding as part of a deal.

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