Demi Lovato Talks Drug Addiction & Mental Health with 'Rolling Stone'

Demi Lovato Talks Drug Addiction & Mental Health with 'Rolling Stone'

Demi Lovato is quite an open book these days and she continued to tell all in a new interview with Rolling Stone.

The 25-year-old opened up about her past drug addictions, her mental health, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and more. Here’s what she had to share:

On being labeled bi-polar: “I’m not sick of it. If anything, I’m proud to be bipolar and speak about it. Bipolar is a mood disorder. I deal with mood swings, I deal with episodes of mania, and bipolar-depression phases as well. But I’ve used my voice to help others, and I feel proud that I’ve been able to do that.”

On being in recovery: “It’s not so much about avoiding drugs and alcohol, because I don’t necessarily put myself in those situations. I don’t go to clubs. It shapes my life in a sense that I do inventories all the time. If I want to flip somebody the bird while driving, I check with myself, like, ‘Why do I want to do that? Why am I impatient right now?’”

On what she learned working on the Clinton presidential campaign: “That it’s better to use your voice and lose fans than to not say anything at all and people-please. I know there’s a risk that comes with that, but I wanted to see a difference made in this country.”

Be sure to watch Demi‘s documentary Simply Complicated on YouTube October 17, and head over to now to read the rest of her interview!

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