DAVID ROSENBERG: Trump's weak approval rating is one of many signs that his tax plan may collapse

david rosenbergCDNBusinessMag via YouTube

The markets are salivating over the prospect for tax stimulus. Not so much reform, but outright stimulus. The level of analysis is scant because all the analysts and strategists are using a static framework.

No work done on the laws of diminishing returns as they apply to tax stimulus at ever higher levels of government debt. No analysis on how tax stimulus triggers different effects across the business cycle, and how it influences growth in the early years of the expansion compared to the later years.

And as economists trip over themselves ‎to overlay lower tax rates on what that means to the bottom line, bear in mind that this creates a level shift, at best, and is not recurring unless tax rates decline every year which is not the case. So this may generate a once-and-for-all level shift in corporate earnings but that’s it.

And of course, the only impact is to lower the P/E multiple, seeing as the Fed is not going to sit idly by and accommodate any stimulus given official concern over the tight labor market (and the belief by Janet Yellen that the only thing separating capacity constraints in the jobs market to inflation is a lag time that is longer this time compared to other cycles). Most FOMC officials are not abandoning the discredited Phillips Curve. So to engage in tax-cut analysis in a static setting only, without any feedback loop on the Fed’s reaction function, is borderline irresponsible.

Remember who won the monetary-fiscal policy battle in 1981. And even with the historic income tax reforms of 1986, recall what happened in the fall of 1987 to Mr. Market as the Fed again drained liquidity (as it is doing now with the funds rate and about to do with QT). And by 1990, the business cycle did die and a bear market did ensue at the hands of the Fed, even with the prior pro-growth fiscal theme that took hold in the Gipper’s fifth year. To assume that fiscal policy will extend the cycle is a classic case of hope triumphing over experience.

And that is what is happening here. Algos. Machines. Program trading. Robo advisors. Black boxes. Massive inflows into passive ETF strategies. There does seem to be a market mechanism here that is preventing any natural corrective phases from taking hold. Valuations are at extremes, and calculating forward multiples on tax cuts from a 9-page White House blueprint that was scant on details is a very risky proposition.

There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that the GOP fiscal hardliners will pass a bill that drives a $2.2 billion cumulative fiscal hole in the budget that pushes the federal debt-to-GDP ratio from nearly 80% today to 100% in a decade’s time. And this is at a time when the dependency ratio is set to rise in spectacular fashion and erode the revenue base in the process while also triggering accelerated growth in entitlement spending.

Money does not grow on trees. These tax cuts will have to be deficit-financed. In contrast to Roosevelt and Reagan, this is not fiscal policy aimed at fighting a deep recession. And this is not stimulus deployed at a time of comfortable 30% debt-to-GDP ratios but rather 80% (and that is net of federal assets, in gross terms (gross indeed), the ratio already is well north of 100%). This is a policy that moves the country further into debt.

But it is not just the government. When you tack on households and businesses, total non-financial debt relative to GDP, at 250%, also is near an all-time high — only exceeded in modern history by the fiscal costs of fighting WWII. This is the same ratio that existed at the 2007 fiscal peak — we know that this debt wasn’t serviceable back then at an average interest rate of 5%. We shall see what happens to delinquencies (in the private sector) as the Fed exercises its option to act on its dot-plots and flatten the yield curve as it raises interest rates at the short end (already up 100 basis points from the lows).

The implications for debt-heavy corporate balance sheets, in particular (watch the repatriation of capital be deployed to pay down this debt as opposed to stock buybacks as was the case under Bush 43 back in 2005), will be key. And multi-family housing, commercial real estate, subprime autos, and credit cards where late-payment rates have risen to four-year highs even prior to any lift in the unemployment rate…wait till that happens.

The recent acceleration in broker account margin debt also is worth taking into account. The yields we are currently seeing in corporate credit, especially in the noninvestment grade segment globally, are unsustainable and the risk of a spasm here should not be dismissed out of hand. High-yield has been an oxymoron in the junk bond market for some time.

We are closer to the end of the cycle than at any other time but rates, spreads and covenants at current levels have zero evidence of ever being sustained and smack of a lack of investor protection. Corporate debt may well be the proverbial canary in the coal mine and yet all the commentary is on how wonderful the equity market has been performing (as Warren Buffett more than one-ups Jeremy Siegel and calls for Dow 1 million!!).

The markets, all markets, have responded in kind to the tax proposals, even though they are what the GOP campaigned on. And it is an open question as to how the cost-savings from the repeal of Obamacare that have proven to be elusive will play a role in watering down the ‘stimulative’ aspects of the proposed measures (as opposed to doing what is most necessary which is bringing the U.S. tax system into the 21st century and into line with global competitors on the corporate side.

But reforms elsewhere involved cutting rates and broadening the base, but the impediment in America is taking away tax breaks which, over the passage of time, seemingly have become entitled and entrenched de facto parking permits for a raft of lobby groups).

The GOP do have every incentive to pass a tax bill but the same was true with health care reform. There simply are too many deficit hawks in the House that will oppose any unfunded tax reductions. And the Democrats will continue to vote against any package that is perceived to benefit those at the upper end of the income echelons.

A Quinnipiac poll released last Wednesday showed some new revelations on how the public mood is shifting against the GOP: 78% of the public now ‘disapprove’ of the Congressional Republicans (63% for the Democrats). And only 15% ‘approve’ of their job (versus 29% for the Dems). The Democrats really see their chances improving, at least for the House, in next year’s midterms. This may indeed hasten the need for the GOP to pass something — anything.

But here’s the biggie. The poll found that President Trump commands just a 36% approval rating. Only 42% see him as being ‘fit to serve’ while 56% say he is not. Only one president in the past had these sorts of polling numbers at this stage of the cycle (almost a year in) and that was Harry Truman. What happened next? His party lost 55 House seats and 12 Senate seats in the 1946 midterm election.

David Rosenberg is chief economist and strategist at Gluskin Sheff, previous chief North America economist at Merrill Lynch, and the author of the daily economic report, "Breakfast with Dave."

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