Al Franken Wants to Make Sure Everyone Knows That Jeff Sessions Can't Be Trusted

The senator used his time during the hearing to ask some pointed questions.

In the second part of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) took the opportunity to once again drive home that the AG is either lying or ignorant about the Trump campaign’s associations with Russian operatives.

“‘I am not aware of those activities,'” Franken said, quoting Sessions’ response to questions about campaign surrogates communications with Kremlin-linked individuals. “Was that what you were saying? You don’t believe that surrogates from the Trump campaign had communications with the Russians?”

“I did not and I am not aware of anyone else that did,” Sessions replied. “And I don’t believe it happened.”

Franken, as per usual, had a list of facts planned for his rebuttal.

“Do you believe that Michael Flynn was a surrogate for the campaign?” the senator asked his former colleague.

“He could probably have been defined as that,” Sessions responded.

“Do you believe that Paul Manafort was a surrogate for the campaign?” Franken asked.

“Well, for a short time he was the chairman of the campaign,” the attorney general responded.

Then Franken began probing whether President Donald Trump’s family members involved in the infamous Trump Tower meeting last year were spokespeople.

“Do you believe that Jared Kushner was a surrogate for the campaign?” he asked.

Sessions appeared flustered when he responded, ultimately saying “there’s no clear definition, but I assume a surrogate is someone speaking on behalf–.”

But Franken cut him off, asking if the attorney general believed Donald Trump, Jr. was a surrogate for his father’s campaign.

“Well, he was his son, and he spoke,” Sessions responded.

Watch the entire exchange below, via CSPAN.



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