7 signs you aren't managing your time effectively

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Just because your calendar is full doesn't mean that you're an effective time manager. It just means that you have a full diary. As a result you're probably stressed and running around like a maniac.

Time and calendar management can influence all aspects of your life. It's important to be on the lookout for the following seven signs that things may not be going as well as you think.

Once you become an effective manager of your schedule you won't just become a time and calendar boss. You will begin you feel more professional and you'll become more happy and satisfied in your life.

1. Poor punctuality.

Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Are you the type of person who is always late for appointments or missing important deadlines? It's probably because you've either committed to too many tasks or you don't have the ability to designate the right amount of time to your activities.

Since poor punctuality typically impacts everyone around you, it can have a negative impact on the quality of your relationships. In fact, punctuality is generally considered a sign of respect.

If you have the habit of running late for a meeting, for example, it shows that you don't respect the other person enough to be on-time.

"Repetitive lateness is more often related to personality characteristics such as anxiety or a penchant for thrill-seeking," says Diana DeLonzor, author of "Never Be Late Again: 7 Cures for the Punctually Challenged."

"Some people are drawn to the adrenaline rush of that last-minute sprint to the finish line. Others receive an ego boost from over-scheduling and filling each moment with activity."

If you want to be more punctual, DeLonzor suggests that you work on developing these four habits:

Relearn to tell time. 

"If once, 10 years ago, they made it to work in 20 minutes, they believe that's how long it should take," she says. "They forget about the 99% of the times that took 30 minutes."

In order to develop realistic habits, you must relearn to tell time. Start by writing down how long you think it takes to shower and get ready in the morning. Then how long to commute to work? For a week, track how long these tasks really take.

Give yourself buffer time.

Punctual people are typically early, says DeLonzor. "Being late makes them stressed out and they don't like feeling rushed," she says. "Late people get stressed out from being late too, but they don't strive to be early; they tend to time things to the minute."

For instance, if a meeting start at 9 a.m., a punctual person will be there at 8:45. This way they won't run late in case of an unforeseen situation, like a traffic accident or road repairs on their way to work.

Get organized.

DeLonzor says that 45% of everything people do daily is automatic. "Our lives are filled with habits  from the way you brush teeth to how you get dressed and leave for work," she says, adding that they're necessary. "If we didn't do things automatically, it would take us forever to get through our day."

Those who are on-time analyze their daily activities, set routines, and stick to them.

Be comfortable with down time.

Since punctual people arrive early, this gives them some down time. For example, arriving to a meeting fifteen minutes early allows them to catch up on emails, review notes, or simply enjoy the solitude.

2. You don't put yourself first.

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"You need to be proactive instead of reactive to your calendar. Schedule your time first and only then accept appropriate requests from others,' suggests Craig Jarrow, the author of "Time Management Ninja."

"If you make the mistake of not blocking your calendar in advance, you will find that it fills up entirely with other peoples' priorities  not yours."

3. Not having or prioritizing to-do-lists.

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"To-do-lists can be a great way to help you remember tasks and stay organized so that you can get the most out of your day. The only downside with to-do-lists is that they can easily get loaded with multiple tasks that you probably won't get to in just a single day," writes Due's Angela Ruth.

"Every morning you should look over your to-do-list and identify the two or three most important tasks for the day. These are the most essential tasks that have to be completed before the end of the day.

"These may includes tasks like completing a blog post or having a phone conference with a potential client. Once these tasks are accomplished, you can start working on the other items  even if it's not due until tomorrow."

As long as you have "crossed off your most vital tasks, you've already had a fruitful day."

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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