I bought the incredibly popular and hard-to-find SNES Classic from Amazon's new Treasure Truck — here's what it was like

Amazon Treasure Truck SNES ClassicAntonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider

Sometimes, fortune smiles on you.

It did on me on Friday — and I ended up with a Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition as a result!

There I was, going about my usual end-of-the-week routine, when a colleague mentioned that Amazon was selling the incredibly hard-to-get console on a nearby street corner through one of its Treasure Trucks.

To get one, all I'd have to do is place an order through Amazon's mobile app. 

I jumped at the chance. 

I had actually already pre-ordered the SNES Classic, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity. My pre-order isn't set to arrive until October 3, and I wanted the SNES Classic now. 

So, I fired up the Amazon app, tapped the order button, went down to the truck, which was parked at the corner of 28th and Broadway in Manhattan, and got my console. 

Amazon's Treasure Truck program has already been running in Seattle for the last year and a half, but it rolled out to several major cities in the US on Friday. Every day, Amazon picks a hot product and loads into its Treasure Trucks. After you sign up for the program — assuming it's available in your city — you'll get texts alerting you to the featured product of the day. If you want to buy it, you just order it from the Amazon app, and pick it up from a truck. 

The product of the day on Friday was the SNES Classic, which the company offered through its Treasure Trucks in their various US locations. 

treasure truck locationsCheck out what it was like to buy the SNES Classic from Amazon's new Treasure Truck:

When I reached the Treasure Truck, I found a decent-sized crowd.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider

The trucks themselves looked pretty nifty.

Steve Kovach/Business Insider

First thing first, get the SNES Classic.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider

It was a little unclear where I had to go to get my SNES Classic, but I just followed the calls from the Amazon team, who were shouting "codes over here!" They were referring to the QR codes people received once they ordered the game machine.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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