How to use 'purposeful venting' to get what you want at work

mayerDenis Balibouse/Reuters

Mark Cuban, Steve Jobs, Marissa Mayer, Martha Stewart, and many other CEOs are known for being “difficult,” seemingly venting their every emotion in the workplace.

When Uber founder and CEO Travis Kalanick was forced out, it was, in part, because he vented at employees, customers and drivers. We understood his behavior to be an indicator of something much worse.  

Wouldn’t you prefer a well-mannered boss, someone who takes time to understand, sympathize, perhaps even empathize with others? Surely when we’re at our best we see ourselves as resolute while calm, certain while curious, and attentive while decisive.  

If this is how your boss and you act, Hollywood is unlikely to make a movie about either of you. Producers, writers, directors and actors know that there is value to tension, drama and even emotions that we can too easily associate with bad leadership.  

In the movie version of “The Big Short,” Steve Carell’s character Mark Baum vents at his partners and employees, the bankers managing his debt, ratings agents, finance giants, and complete strangers.

Even his family finds him difficult. We’re willing to put up with this bad behavior because we know how this movie ends before it begins. We know that his venting signals determination and serves the righteousness that will see him through. Baum needs to vent.  

I wouldn’t want to work for Mark Baum and I don’t recommend that others emulate him. Still, his story raises the idea of useful venting.

A client once told me, "I never lose my temper, except on purpose.”

His point was that anger is part of effective leadership. Known for his steady demeanor, he occasionally needed to stir an emotional response in others.

Many people can recall times when a manager's venting caused them to react: to spur motivation, to act with urgency, to solve a hard problem, or to scoff and think, "there goes my manager again."

Obviously, leaders want motivation, urgency and problem solving. It’s rare to find a leader who sincerely wants to be known as angry, as someone who vents uncontrollably. The simple fact is that people interpret venting negatively. Few of us like to be yelled at.

For leaders, avoiding the downside of venting and capturing its value is conceptually simple. Unfortunately, it’s also difficult to pull off.

The phrase “except on purpose” is essential if you want to vent well.

Purposeful venting distinguishes healthy motivation, urgency, and problem solving from uncontrolled emotion. Passion, including anger, needs to serve an intended purpose: it should create the response in others that you hope to engender in them.

If you’re going to add strategic venting to your manager’s toolkit, what’s the response that you hope to achieve? Are you trying to motivate people, create urgency, solve a hard problem, or something else?  

Your success is not measured by the message you intended to deliver, but by the actual response and subsequent action by others. Did you get the motivation, urgency or attention to the problem that you wanted?  If not, you need to continue to experiment with your tone, words and body language.

Years ago, one of my best employees vented to me about the persistent low performance of an administrator who also reported to me. I knew the administrator was a problem but I thought I was the only person paying the price. Her venting caused me to learn otherwise.  

I fired the administrator within days.

On hearing this news the star performer came to me shaken, thinking that her venting had gotten this person fired. I disagreed.

What had actually happened? Her venting made plain that I needed to stop deceiving myself, that change was needed, and that the time was now. I found myself thanking her because she made me realize that I was not the only one suffering from a colleague's poor performance.  

Nearly every day headlines demonstrate the downside of uncontrolled anger, venting that does real damage. Yet in my work with thousands of leaders, many of them CEOs, I tell these stories because venting can also serve a purpose when it’s on purpose.

Adam Goodman directs Northwestern University's Center for Leadership and is a Clinical Professor in the McCormick School of Engineering. As a consultant, he has advised more than 200 CEOs, senior officers, and executive teams.  In his teaching and research, Goodman focuses on the fundamentals of leadership and how people learn to become more effective leaders. 

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