Here's everyone who has died this season on 'Game of Thrones,' and how they bit the dust

Game of Thrones the Queen's Justice season 7Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

Warning: Spoilers for "Game of Thrones" season seven. If you aren't caught up with the series, read at your own risk. 

Season seven of "Game of Thrones" was one of the most brutal yet. Some major battles have brought some major deaths, including one that made dying look really, really cool.

Not as many major characters died this season as expected. Those deaths will probably come in the last six episodes of the series.

But there were some roastings, epic betrayals, and wights that ended lives in season seven. 

Here is your guide to who died on "Game of Thrones" so far this season:

Obara Sand

Time of death: Episode two, "Stormborn."

Cause of death: In his attack on Yara's fleet, Euron Greyjoy stabs the daughter of Oberyn Martell in the gut with a spear. By the end of the battle, her body is hanging from the ship, so she's definitely dead. 

Nymeria Sand


Time of death: Episode two, "Stormborn."

Cause of death: In Euron's attack, he strangles Nymeria, who is a daughter of Oberyn (and not Arya Stark's direwolf, who shares the same name). At the end of the battle, her body is also hanging from the ship.

Tyene Sand


Time of death: Episode three, "The Queen's Justice" (kind of).

Cause of death: Cersei locks Ellaria up in a dungeon with her daughter, Tyene, who she poisons the same way Ellaria poisoned Myrcella: with a kiss and a poison called "The Long Farewell." So Ellaria has to watch her own daughter die a brutal death, and in another sick twist, decompose before her own eyes, and there's nothing she can do about it.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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