Even if you think big, work hard, and want it badly enough, you can still fail — here's where everyone goes wrong

RTX5FQ9Tomas Bravo/Reuters

  • People often fail because of the 'treadmill of disappointment.'
  • This is the process of setting very high goals and expecting to achieve them immediately — and giving up too soon.
  • Instead, build momentum by setting small milestones to work toward your goals.

Deep down, most of us want to be top performers. We want to have that dream career or business and live a rich life.

But somewhere along the line, most people become what they fear the most: average. Good, but not great.

What's going on? Why do so many people settle?

According to most self-help books and articles, the answer is some combination of not thinking big enough, not wanting it enough, or not working hard enough.

If only it was that simple. Plenty of people actually check all the self-help boxes. Ambition? Yes. Belief? Yes. Hard work? Yes.

Yet almost all of them fail anyway. Why?

The domino approach to being a top performer

Imagine someone who is just getting started at 22 saying they want to be Instagram famous at 25. Or a 25-year-old wanting to be a millionaire by age 30. I have friends who expect their apartment to look like an interior decorator showcase… at 24! Are you serious? Your parents took 30 years to buy those three spatulas.

This is a recipe for failure, or what I call, the treadmill of disappointment:

  1. First, you come up with some big dream and work really hard.
  2. Soon you become disappointed: You're not seeing the progress you expect, because of all the overnight-success story BS you believe.
  3. So you assume that what you're doing is not working and start over. But once you start over, you have to start from close to scratch.
  4. The cycle repeats. You get nowhere.

Aiming for big wins is great. But having unrealistic expectations — believing that you'll be an overnight success when the odds are 1000 to 1 (or worse) — is almost always going to fail. That's why you don't see any football teams win by throwing Hail Mary after Hail Mary.

So how do you escape the treadmill of disappointment and put the odds in your favor?

Try the domino strategy instead:

When you line dominoes up in the right order, the momentum of a smaller domino can knock down a larger domino. With just 29 increasingly larger dominoes, there would be enough force to knock over the Empire State Building!

In other words, if you organize your tasks in the right sequence, start with a realistic milestone, and build momentum, you'll be much more likely to achieve ambitious goals.

Here are three ways to incorporate this strategy into your life right now:

1. Take incredibly small steps with a long-term perspective

We all want to be the best dressed, lift the most weights, make the most money, get the hottest girl/guy. Like you, I'm impatient with myself. I want the end results: the six-pack, the accolades, the things to brag about.

But what we forget is that those things are the RESULT of time and consistent process (and a little luck). It's all about starting so small that you can easily knock over the first domino, the next one, and so on.

Jeff Bezos started Amazon by selling a handful of books from his garage. Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook by connecting a few hundred kids at Harvard. Even when their success seems like it's overnight, they have been knocking over smaller, invisible dominoes for much longer. I built a multimillion-dollar business by writing a blog for free for three years.

2. Put the right steps in the right order

Second, put the dominoes in just the right sequence so that each small step makes the next, bigger step doable.

For example, the first step in starting a business is to brainstorm the business idea. The next step is to find one paying customer to test if the idea has potential. Once you have the first customer, then you can plan how to get five, etc. If you level up in the right order, you'll never think to yourself, "I don't have time or money to do this," because you'll have enough resources at each stage.

The mistake most people make is quitting their job with no safety net and putting their lifetime earnings into their idea… only to lose everything when things don't go the way they wanted. News alert! Starting a business NEVER goes the way you expect.

3. Over-prepare like you cannot even imagine

Most people have no idea what it takes to prepare to compete at the highest levels. They think spending 20 minutes Googling around will suffice. In fact, many people have never met a truly world-class performer, so they have no idea what real preparation looks like.

To over-prepare, you need to take the time to understand the mechanics of the game. Then, you need to go beyond what everyone else is doing. This will basically guarantee that you knock over the next domino.

For example, when my parents told me I needed scholarships to pay for college, I created a system to apply to 65-70 scholarships.

  • First, I went to my high school career center to get a list of scholarships they recommended.
  • Once I had an extensive database of scholarships, I analyzed what they had in common.
  • Once I found that they all needed A) a letter of recommendation and B) an application essay, I applied to all of them more efficiently than everyone else.
  • Once I started getting shortlisted, I even videotaped myself doing mock interviews.

That was how I discovered a crippling error I was making, which finally let me crack the code and get enough scholarships — $100,000+ in total — to pay my way through Stanford undergrad and grad school.

And of course, I did the same at my company. For one of my sales pages, I spent over four months writing it. Once I did that, I hired an outside consultant for $13,000 to give me feedback. That page has earned us millions of dollars.

In a nutshell, becoming a top performer isn't about knowing some crazy overnight success secret. It's about lining up and knocking down your dominoes, one by one. It's not sexy, but it works.

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