Another Trump Twitter tirade: President retweets memes to indulge base

Donald Trump

(Credit: AP/Evan Vucci)

The leader of the free world took to Twitter Sunday morning to lash out at his political rival and the leader of North Korea. President Donald Trump sent out a series of tweets that will surely delight his base who have grown wary in recent days.

The president first provided the country an update on its imminent nuclear war with North Korea. He referred to Kim Jong-un as “Rocket Man” and inexplicably mentioned “long gas lines” forming in the hermit kingdom.

The bizarre tweet left many confused because virtually no one in North Korea owns a car, so there are not enough motor vehicles to even form a line. As Americans were trying to make sense of Trump’s tweet, the president was only getting started. He then began to share all the deplorable memes he had seen that morning, including a video depiction of him hitting a golf ball at Hillary Clinton.

The tweet immediately drew comparisons to the Kathy Griffin situation. The Trump White House feigned outrage after Griffin posed with Trump’s severed head in a photo shoot, and demanded universal condemnation. Now the president apparently condones violence, as long as the target is his political opponent.

Former Trump adviser David Urban told CNN on Sunday that “retweets do not equal endorsements,” implying that people should to overly react to the video. But taken into context with other tweets Trump shared on Sunday, it was clear that he was trying to appease his supporters who felt that the president was abandoning his base.

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