A Russian proverb constantly repeated by Ronald Reagan has never been more important for investors

The Reagan Show Ronald Reagan Presidential LibraryRonald Reagan Presidential Library

During the Cold War, Ronald Reagan frequently repeated the Russian proverb: “trust but verify.”  It’s a catchphrase that can as readily be applied to current investor behavior – if trusted, I don’t need to verify, but if I insist on verifying, there may not be much trust.

Coming into earnings season investors questioned the resilience of corporate profits – after the past few years of disappointing earnings, there wasn’t much to trust. First-quarter earnings across global markets were flattered in part by how horrid first-quarter earnings were last year, and that base-effect bounce placed a big question mark ahead of second-quarter earnings. 

Not only have earnings been strong globally, so have sales. Across developed markets, growth in earnings per share appeared strongest in Japan, followed by Europe, and then the US. Revenues were up mid-single digits, mirroring the stable and better-balanced macro landscape we are seeing. For all of the doubt last year about why investors should look anywhere outside of the US to invest, this year has handily shown the merits of global investing.

Like earnings, valuations can never be trusted blindly.  So far, valuations are high for the right reasons. There is a very clear “trust but verify” approach by investors to corporate earnings and economic stability. Both are delivering.  That helps explain the current low volatility environment. There are pockets of complacency in markets, but for now fundamentals ground valuations, both in equity and credit markets. 

Even with that validation, investors should be watchful. Higher valuations mean there is less room to be wrong; it argues for diversification. Investors don’t have the luxury of inexpensive valuations as protection for concentrated risk taking.

Compared to its own history, the US equity market looks expensive. European, Japanese and emerging markets each trade at lower valuation levels than the US, but also look pricey. Markets can trade at lower relative valuation levels for structural reasons, such as a higher risk premium because of lax corporate governance, inadequate financial sector capitalisation, less stable margins, and different sector weightings. Global markets don’t share the same construct or relative operating environments. We shouldn’t see the same valuations everywhere.

Expect second-half equity market returns to be driven chiefly by dividends and earnings growth, rather than valuation expansion. Earnings should remain solid but will likely level off at a slower pace of growth than we’ve seen over the first-half. That is a message to rein in unrealistic return expectations. Having seen low double-digit equity market returns this year, as a base case it’s reasonable to cut in half expectations for similar returns over the next twelve-months. For that to happen, valuations need to hold steady.

Along with market valuations reflecting strong profits, they also benefit from low inflation and central bank policy that can remain, for now, supportive of animal spirits. Wage inflation doesn’t yet appear to be a near-term threat to central bank policy largess, a trend perpetuated by shifting demographics that bring less expensive younger workers into the labour pool. Lower pricing-power across current labour markets aligned with poor quality job creation is also playing a part.

What is there to be worried about? Markets have arguably become complacent about geopolitical risks. Recent events in North Korea fall into this camp, as do renegotiations of NAFTA – investors seem to be looking through both issues. In theory, it is in no one’s interest for either concern to worsen, but practice can markedly differ from theory.

Consumer confidence is something to keep an eye on, as it currently reflects a constructive underlying macro environment. Jobs are up, wages are gradually rising, savings rates are falling and consumption is rising. Corporate confidence also remains robust but warrants more careful attention. 

In the US, substantive policy reform was always going to take a great deal more time than the market initially hoped. The key driver of market optimism was the new US administration’s desire to engage directly with the corporate sector. That engagement appears to have stalled, which is troubling.

For investors to believe market valuations can hold, fundamentals need to serve as a footing – currently they are. However, we also need to believe in the substance driving policy and political dialogue. That demands confidence, something that increasingly is in doubt.

As Reagan’s borrowed proverb suggests, confidence requires corroboration.  “Trust but verify” has never been a more essential investing maxim.

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