8 ways you aren't impressing your boss

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While you might wish those days where a popularity contest mattered are over, the hard, cold truth is that being liked by those above you may make or break your career. As New York career coach, Carlota Zimmerman explains, likability can determine your life.  

"From shopping to dating, whether it's getting a good deal on your dream home, or student loans, getting upgraded on a plane, to receiving faster care at the ER, likable people tend to move to the front of the line," she says. "You want your boss to like you, since she's the one determining who will get the opportunities necessary to achieve their career potential, and goals. You want your boss to like you, so that when she's planning to attend that huge industry conference in Shanghai, she picks you to join her in first class. You want your boss to like you, so that when sh*t gets real—as the young people say—she can go to bat for you."

To make sure you're putting your friendliest foot forward, avoid these blunders that might make your boss wish someone else was doing your job.


1. You give your boss a lot to manage

Gabrielle Lurie/Reuters

Unless you're at the top of the totem pole or standing atop that glass ceiling at your own company, part of your role will always mean making your manager's life easier. And while asking questions is part of learning and advancing your career, the more time your boss has to spend holding your hand, the more frustrated he or she might become.

"Your boss has a lot on their plate, and they don't have time to constantly babysit you. Micromanaging is not fun for anyone, and though most employees say they don't like being micro-managed, if you're a lot of work, your boss probably feels like they have to use this method to get work done," explains career coach Colene Elridge.

Instead of constantly asking for reassurance, smart employees figure it out, or come to the boss with a succinct description of the problem and potential solutions. If you find it tough to resist the urge to ping your boss several times a day, Elridge suggest finding a coach or a mentor outside of your office to build your confidence.

"Gain the skills you need to more effectively do your job. Then find a mentor that can help guide you through your career. Mentors are great at helping you grow and develop," Elridge says.

2. You fake it and don't produce results

Congrats! You earned an awesome promotion or finally got the lead spot for a project you wanted to spear.

But now, the pressure is on: Dropping the ball after a career growth moment can quickly make your boss doubt his or her decision. Though faking-it-until-you-make-it can work in certain cases, if you're throwing around fancy terms and answers, without actually understanding your responsibilities, you might make a big mess for your boss to clean up.

"I can't tell you the number of organizations I've worked with who have employees who don't do their jobs. Meaning, they do everything but produce results. Some blame falls squarely on the organization for not properly engaging their employees, but some falls on the individual. When you make the choice to not do your job, you make your boss have to work harder, and that's a key way to make them not like you. You were hired to do a job. Whatever the job is, there are expected results, and when you don't produce those results, there's a problem," Elridge says.

Many people can stagnate for years at this level of middle management because they never learn how to stop bossing people and start leading people.

How do you start to grow as professional, in a meaningful, impactful way? Elridge says it's a slippery slope that might require some soul-searching to figure out why you're working where you're working, and what might be keeping you from being less than motivated. From there, baby steps are key.

"If you don't like the work, consider a career change. If you're just in a bit of a slump, pull yourself together and set a deadline. Momentum changes things. When you see yourself complete a project or task, you build more momentum to do better work," she adds.

3. You're not straightforward about things that don't work

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No matter if it's your dream job or just a starter gig to get you to the company you truly want to work for, there are going to be issues that arrive in every workplace. Though ultimately, it's your manager's responsibility to address workflows, teams or programs that simply aren't working, it's also part of your role to flag miscommunication or difficulties you're having. Why? When something goes wrong, productivity is the first to suffer.

"Any good workplace knows how to handle conflict. A workplace without conflict resolution skills is a recipe for chaos. It is not uncommon that people lack conflict resolution skills. Avoidance is not a tactic. Conflict will happen, and though it can be uncomfortable, it's not always a bad thing. If you're the type of person who avoids conflict or stirs up conflict in your office, my guess is your boss may not like you," Elridge says.

Here's where it's essential to put your creative thinking hat on by figuring out what's causing the trouble and how you might suggest fixing the issue to your boss. Approach your manager with a solution — not just a complaint — and let them take the reins from there.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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