5 habits of financially successful people

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There are a lot of good ways to measure success and my favorite definition rises from personal or family goals.

To me, success is awareness of specific goals and deliberate action toward those goals. There are often distinct financial steps along the way and the attainment of each step is reason to celebrate.

And, of course, most successful people create new goals as they finish the old ones.

Your measures of success likely differ from mine. That's fine. However you define success, these are some common traits I see among the most successful people I know.

1. They spend time with other successful people

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are fast friends. That's not a coincidence. Whether it's through church or community clubs or work groups or neighborhood fellowship, "nothing succeeds like success" (a quote from my father Thad Danford). People tend to gather based on common values and goals and good friends inspire each other. My observation is that people of similar values often share similar life goals.

2. They accomplish things today but big decisions are based on future goals

One of my observations is that little things don't matter so much if you get the big things right. I read one article that suggested 80% of our work time is wasted. I'd be slightly more diplomatic and suggest that just 20% of our efforts are spent wisely. But if you spend that 20% right - moving towards your stated goals - the other 80% may not be that important anyway.

Those home budgeting articles often criticize a weekly pizza or daily latte at Starbucks. That costs you "hundreds of dollars each year" and it has to be a "stupid waste of money." Yeah, that's exactly why people ignore those articles. The truth is that a family with solid education, an emergency savings account and contributing regularly towards the 401(k) can blow a few bucks on pizza or coffee. Seriously, lighten up people.

3. They set their own agenda

Many working people exercise little control over daily tasks and activities. Yet, many of their bosses left dreary jobs because they wanted more control over both personal productivity and income. I've seen the same thing among nonprofit executives and educators. The most successful people jump towards responsibility and control. More control at work means more control in life.

Sadly, I think a lot of people live life like the shiny metal ball in an old pinball machine; they bounce from one painful obstacle to the next. Everyone faces obstacles, but most successful people don't let obstacles knock them off course. They keep working towards those goals, even when someone throws a hurdle in the way. Sometimes they use that hurdle as a ladder up to their next goal.

4. They spend wisely

You'd expect this from a money guy, but spending cash is only part of the challenge. Successful people recognize how all resources add to or detract from goals. This includes time, continuing education, relationships and, predictably, money. I often tell students that they won't be able to start their own business at age 40 (see number three above) unless they make careful preparations along the way. If your personal goal is to hike around the world, you'll need time, money and smarts to make that happen. Maybe you can find a good friend who shares that goal and will happily join in the preparations.

5. They see retirement as another stage of the success process

The happiest and most successful people I know are still working. Many of them retired from the formal workplace, but they stay active in a variety of worthy pursuits. They work for the United Way or help with their grandson's Boy Scout troop or teach Sunday school every weekend. (You have to admire President Jimmy Carter teaching in his 90s, and as he endured chemo treatments for cancer).

Nothing drives home the success point quite like this: happy, vital, productive people keep moving towards thoughtful and meaningful goals. Even as they check things off their list, they replenish the supply to keep moving forward. Maybe those "stretch" goals are the genuine key to success.

Dan Danford is a certified financial planner and the founder of Family Investment Center.

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