16 times Jaime Lannister should have dumped Cersei on 'Game of Thrones'

Jaime Olenna Game of ThronesHBO

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season seven.

Jaime Lannister's journey is one of the most compelling ones on "Game of Thrones," and one of the most frustrating.

He's a complex character. He values honor, but also pushes Bran Stark out of a window in order to keep his affair with his sister Cersei a secret.

As we learn more about Jaime's past, and his motives, he's become more of a hero. So for a long time, it's been "about time" for him to end his toxic relationship with his sister, and fight for the right team.

In the books, Jaime turns on Cersei much sooner than he does in the show. And even for non-book readers, his loyalty to Cersei starts to get a little unbelievable considering what she's done, and what he's been through on the show. 

After his adventures with Brienne of Tarth in season three, fans began to see the potential that Jaime could turn on Cersei. Their time together opens him up to new perspectives, and humanizes him. His connection to Brienne inspires him to reveal why he murdered the Mad King Aerys: he did it to save the entire city of King's Landing from exploding in wildfire. 

In the seasons since, Jaime's decision to stay loyal to his sister no matter what (including murdering hundreds of people with wildfire Mad King style) has not been convincing.

To honor Jaime's brave decision to finally turn his back on his sister in the season finale, "The Dragon and the Wolf," we took a look back at all the times Jaime should have turned on Cersei, but didn't.

When Cersei tortures baby Tyrion.


Cersei has hated Tyrion since he was born, because their mother Joanna died giving birth to him. She would pinch him and twist his flesh until he wailed when he was a baby. In season four, Oberyn Martell tells Tyrion that he saw Cersei do this on a visit to Casterly Rock, and Jaime stopped her.

Does this stop Jaime from turning on Cersei? No. But it was really nice of him to tell her to stop torturing a baby.

When Cersei has Jaime join the Kingsguard so they can be together, thus ruining his life.


Before Robert's Rebellion, Cersei tells Jaime to join the Kingsguard, forfeiting his future inheritance of lands and titles, so he can stay in King's Landing and they can be together. However, their father Tywin resigns as the Mad King's Hand of the King and brings her back to Casterly Rock.

Jaime then murders the Mad King, earning the nickname Kingslayer.

After Robert's Rebellion, his murder of the Mad King is forgiven by King Robert, and he remains on the Kingsguard. Jaime spends majority of his time following his sister's husband around. Robert treats Jaime poorly and flaunts his affairs with other women to torment Jaime.

Does this stop Jaime from turning on Cersei? No. He finds this helpful in some ways, since he and Cersei get to hook up in their free time.

When Cersei has an affair with Lancel Lannister, their cousin.


Cersei sleeps with their cousin Lancel throughout seasons one and two. Lancel does everything she asks him to, including causing the death of King Robert.

In season five, Lancel confesses the affair and the death of Robert to the High Sparrow. Cersei is arrested for her crimes, and has to do the walk of shame to the Red Keep.

Does this stop Jaime from turning on Cersei? Nope. He's heard the rumors, but chooses not to believe them. But we do know that Jaime has never been with another woman.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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