10 things you can do before 9 a.m. to make your day that much better

woman bed computerUnsplash/Jiří Wagner

Some people dread mornings, and other people relish them. No matter which type you are, there's still a good chance that you can tweak your morning routine for the better. 

Next time you wake up, try a few of these 10 tips. Most take a just a few minutes, and they'll help you feel prepared, relaxed, and ready for whatever's to come. 

1. Go for a quick walk.

Tatian Diakova/Unsplash.com

Going outside and exposing yourself to natural light prompts your body to reset its internal circadian rhythm for a new day, giving you an energy boost, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Plus, a wealth of evidence shows that walking keeps you healthy. One study of about 72,000 women found that three hours of walking per week cut the risk of heart attack and stroke by about 35%.

The best part is that it's totally free and only requires  a pair of shoes. 

2. Make your bed.


You don't need to do a heart-pounding workout to feel accomplished in the morning. Instead, bestselling author and four-star admiral William McRaven suggests something simpler: making your bed. 

"It's not just about kind of throwing the covers over the pillow," he said in an interview with Business Insider this April. "It's about making your bed right and walking away and going, 'OK, that's good. That looks good. I'm [...] proud of this little task I did.' And that is really what I think sets the tone for the rest of the day," he said. "It doesn't take an hour to do, and yet you get this sense of accomplishment."

3. Drink water.

Tim Perdue on Flickr

We constantly lose fluid when we breathe and sweat — two things that happen while we're sleeping. This loss of fluids can lead to dehydration, which can make you feel dizzy, faint, or (in serious cases) confused. That's no way to kick off your day.

Drinking a big glass of water in the morning ensures that your body stays hydrated and your mind stays sharp for whatever's ahead. And, to help you stay hydrated all day, there is a way to figure out the exact amount of water you should drink every day.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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