10 Destructive and Deluded Women Who Prop Up the Alt-Right

There are some powerful and dangerous women in the radical racist movement.

Who in the world are the women of the alt-right? And how can they be leaders in a movement that hates women? Contrary to popular perception, many women were present at the recent "Unite the Right" white supremacist march in Charlottesville this past August. 

The following are ten leading alt-right and far-right conservative women, including founding neo-Nazi and KKK leaders, who are helping to spread the alt-right's propaganda.

1. Lana Lokteff aka Ringleader and Holocaust Denier #1:

Credit: YouTube Screencap / Red Ice Tv

Credit: YouTube Screencap / Red Ice Tv

Lana Lokteff is the alt-right’s head honcho, married to Red Ice Media Creation’s founder, Henrik Palmgren. Lokteff's brand of alt-right feminism opposes Marxist lefties who welcome immigrants, and instead advocates for white, heteronormative households where women accept their role as the inferior sex. In Lokteff's opinion, feminism, by focusing on a woman's autonomy, is "self-centered" and has destroyed white communities. An American of Russian descent, Lokteff divides her time between the U.S. and Sweden and hosts the popular Radio 3Fourteen, named after her birthday on March 14 (she's a pagan and a Pisces). 

2. Ayla Stewart aka Queen of the Alt-Right Mormons:

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Red Ice Media

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Red Ice Media 

Although Mormons are typically known for moderate stances on immigration, Ayla Stewart represents a dangerous new movement of Mormons who are joining the alt-right. She is a self-professed former feminist-pagan who wrote for Sage Woman and social justice warrior with a Master's degree in women's spirituality, before she was baptised as a Mormon after writing a thesis on home births in Mormon and Amish communities. Stewart is representative of alt-right women who embrace "radical traditionalism," preferring homeschooling, conservative Christian values, and even cloth diapers and grassfed meats. All of that sounds pretty harmless until you stumble across her "white baby challenge," in which she essentially asks Twitter followers to pop out white babies as a way to fight "black ghetto culture."

3. Cecilia Davenport or the Red Piller:

Credit: Twitter screencap

Credit: Twitter screencap / @cwdaven

Cecilia Davenport is a featured alt-right author who frequently tweets fangirl photos of Richard Spencer, president of the white supremacist National Policy Institute. She has also worked with another blogger to teach readers how to “red-pill” women who are reluctant to join the movement. Red-pilling is a slang term that refers to a scene in The Matrix where Neo swallows a red pill and sees things as they really are. Davenport suggests red-pilling tactics like intentionally triggering the fear of assault by immigrants because “women are more emotional than rational.”

4. Bre Faucheux, former SJW:

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Bre Faucheux

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Bre Faucheux 

A former social justice warrior-turned-alt-right podcaster, Faucheux has self-published fantasy fiction and is the host of 27Crowd Radio. Her current concerns include tackling “globalism and mainstream media lies.” She’s also busy fighting the fair fight against liberals, because apparently the lefties are doing "everything they can to bring about the fall of western civilization in the name of 'progress.'"

5. Mary Grey (not her given name):

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Red Ice Media

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Red Ice Media 

Mary Grey is a pro-white Christian nationalist who co-hosts "Good Morning White America" with her husband. Seyward Darby's description of the podcast in Harper's notes that the two speak cheerfully, which aligns with Grey's attempts not to appear an "evil racist." She recently self-published a children's book that defends Trump's plan for a wall, titled, you guessed it, "Walls and Fences." Grey and her husband have been guests on Lokteff's Radio 3Fourteen podcast.

Let's not forget the white supremacist women of the past, including the Nazis and the KKK.

6. Gertrud Scholtz-Klink aka the Perfect Woman Nazi:

Credit: Wikimedia

Credit: Wikimedia 

The British Press once called her “The Perfect Woman Nazi,” which is not a compliment. Scholtz-Klink was a devout Nazi from age 20 to 90 and the leader of the Nazis' women's organization. Her duties included indoctrinating new members and teaching them to value being housewives and birthing children. Although the Nazis didn’t allow women to have any political power, she was still a figurehead for the movement.

7. Mary Elizabeth 'Bessie' Tyler aka The CEO:

Credit: Wikimedia

Credit: Wikimedia

Multiple divorcée Tyler was the WKKK’s CEO equivalent in the 1920s. Her achievements included being a member of the anti-immigration Daughters of America, creating a women’s chapter of the KKK and later embezzling Klan money. Her leadership backfired when she was arrested for “disorderly” behavior: drinking whiskey and sleeping with fellow member Edward Clarke while both were married to other people. She later somehow parlayed the negative publicity into increased Klan membership.

8. Helen Andelin or Anti-Feminist #1:

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Roger Lucas

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Roger Lucas 

Author of the "trad wife” Bible (an alt-right term, short for "traditional wife"), Andelin was a Mormon housewife who saved her marriage by becoming the perfect submissive woman. The anti-feminist manifesto "Fascinating Womanhood," includes memorable gems like, “As you express confidence in him, he will become that greater and better man. Your home will be happier and he will have more incentive to create a happier marriage and family life.” She wrote the book after she successfully saved her failing 20-year marriage. The book went on to sell over 2 million copies and the movement is still alive today (unfortunately).

Other practically alt-right, definitely racist and sexist women in the media:

9. Tomi Lahren aka White Power Barbie:

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Fox News

Credit: Youtube Screencap / Fox News 

One of Trump's most vocal supporters who has been nicknamed conservative media's "White Power Barbie," the racist Tomi Lahren still somehow doesn't consider herself a part of the alt-right. She called the movement "disgusting," in an interview with the New York Times. However, she has no problem taking down Beyonce, Barack Obama or equating the Black Lives Matter movement with the KKK. She was fired from Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" for being pro-choice, and has recently become a contributor at Fox News. Her latest opinion is that she'll keep covering the Hillary emails until the apparently equally distracting Russia investigation is dropped (how are those two issues equal?). Lahren is criticized for changing her views depending on who she's pandering to.

10. Kayleigh McEnany, or the 'Die Hard Trumper':

Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

McEnany has been compared to Tomi Lahren, except that she has a brain. A Christian conservative with a Harvard law degree, McEnany was recently appointed the RNC's national spokesperson after suddenly departing from her job as a conservative commentator at CNN. She was criticized for her propaganda-like news piece on August 6, in which she exaggerated Trump's achievements over the week.

It might seem hard to spot them, but according to white power leader Richard Spencer, women make up about a fifth of the movement's followers. These women have reverted to traditional gender roles, believing men should be "protectors." They want traditional homes, white babies and white communities that are free of genetically inferior immigrants.

But the fact is that becoming an anti-feminist and playing subordinate to a white man is easy. The United States privileges straight white men. It's much easier to be a housewife advocating for a white ethnostate than to stand in solidarity with people of color and fight back against years of systemic oppression.



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