TRUMP: Our relationship with Russia is at an 'all-time' low — and you 'can thank Congress'

Donald TrumpAP Photo/Alex Brandon

President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday morning that the US' relationship with Russia is at an "all-time" low and Americans should blame Congress.

"Our relationship with Russia is at an all-time & very dangerous low. You can thank Congress, the same people that can't even give us HCare!," Trump tweeted.

Trump signed a new sanctions bill into law Wednesday that targets Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The bill was passed by a veto-proof majority in the House and Senate.

Although he signed the bill, the president called it "seriously flawed" and said it "improperly encroaches on executive power, disadvantages American companies, and hurts the interests of our European allies."

The legislation has been roundly criticized in Russia. Prime Minsiter Dmitry Medvedev blasted the bill on Wednesday, writing that it will have "a few consequences."

"First, it ends hopes for improving our relations with the new US administration. Second, it is a declaration of a full-fledged economic war on Russia," Medvedev wrote on Facebook. "Third, the Trump administration has shown its total weakness by handing over executive power to Congress in the most humiliating way. This changes the power balance in US political circles."

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