Stephen Miller Surfaces on Fox News with His Most Ludicrous Trump Propaganda to Date

According to his senior policy adviser, the president is the "most gifted politician of our time."

President Trump's senior policy adviser Stephen Miller made an appearance on Fox News Tuesday, offering some of his most naked propaganda to date. According to Miller, the president who flubbed his attempt to destroy the country's health care system and sends daily tweets in stream-of-consciousness fragments is actually a misunderstood genius.

“President Trump is the most gifted politician of our time and the best orator to hold that office in generations,” Miller told host Laura Ingraham—this despite the fact the president struggles to speak in complete adult sentences and can't be bothered to read a book.

Ingraham opened the segment by playing Miller's infamous back-and-forth with CNN's Jim Acosta about immigration. Miller is one of the architects of Trump's plan to cut legal immigration by half. He continued to defend Trump's xenophobia, and Ingraham did her best to sanitize his agenda.

"The media has gotten the president wrong since the day he announced," Miller told the Fox News host.

Perhaps if Trump started talking like a grown-up, we'd have an easier time figuring out what the hell he's saying.

Watch the segment below:

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