Steph Davis blames Jeremy McConnell as she announces miscarriage

Stephanie Davis has revealed that she has suffered a miscarriage.

In a devastating post on Instagram, she confirmed the rumours she had been carrying her second child with Jeremy McConnell.

She also took aim at her ex, blaming his behaviour for the loss.


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She wrote: “To lose a child is something I hope no one EVER goes through. The grief and pain is UNBELIEVABLE . Words CANNOT describe. My heart is BROKEN.”

“I lost my baby due to the stress Jeremy put me under, history repeating itself after carrying Caben alone for nine months while he goes out with women, partying and posting pictures on purpose when I was in hospital and nearly lost Caben on several occasions.

“How evil someone can be to the mother of their child with revenge porn etc the list goes on, hitting me and setting up paps to take pictures of him on a date whilst I’m carrying his child…. cheating on me and treating me like I’m not even human.

“I have no words! Evil. He ruined my life and killed our child! And for that I can never forgive him!!

“He knew I was pregnant and has never ONCE again asked about his unborn child OR asked how Caben is, he’s been too busy out on benders and spending money on drink and drugs and getting women to lick his nipples.

In her Instagram post Stephanie appears to blame her miscarriage on Jeremy’s behaviour (Credit: Instagram)

“He’s not paid ANYTHING towards Caben since he was born. He doesn’t care about his child, he was simply a trophy child to him.

The former CBB contestant then went on to discuss Jeremy’s conviction this week for assaulting her.

She explained: “He was found guilty, for a reason. He destroyed my life and took away my happiness, and if anything comes from me being in the public eye and some saddo selling videos of me for a bit of cash when someone’s at [their] lowest says more about them than me.”

Steph then revealed that being a victim of domestic violence has not only empowered her but has inspired her to help others also.

“I hope to help women of domestic violence, to stop what happened to me happening to other women. I would like to grieve for my child, find strength and move on,” she wrote.

“I walked into that court with my head held high after he laughed and goaded me, and I continue to be strong, be a good mum to my son and if ANYTHING has come from my horrific ordeal, to help those who have been in my shoes and help give them the hope, that there is light at the end.

“I don’t know HOW I’m standing, but I am. And what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! I will NEVER again be treated the way I was.

“Thank you to domestic violence for helping me and building me back up. It may seem mad what’s in the press and a lot not 100% true about me, to deal with it in real life and in the public eye has been soul destroying, but thankfully I’m here to tell the tale.”

Stephanie and Jeremy in happier times (Credit: Instagram)

Jeremy will discover his sentence on Friday.

During the trial, it emerged that he had thrown Stephanie around “like a rag doll”,  and accused her of having a lesbian fling with a friend as well as having an affair with a fireman neighbour.

The judge Wendy Lloyd took just fifteen minutes to decide that Jeremy was guilty and told him: “This is a sad story, like so many of this sort there is much emotion on both sides.

“Mr McConnell may prefer to think he acted in self defence.

“I believe his judgement was totally clouded by drugs and alcohol.”

Stephanie is planning to focus all her attention now other son Caben (Credit: Instagram)

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A friend told The Sun Online Steph is now trying to piece her life back together.

“Now she is focusing on getting her life back away from Jeremy and building herself up bit by bit,” they said.

“She wants to be the best mum to Caben she can be and is focusing on trying to be as positive as she can be given the circumstances.

“There is so much more she could say about what has happened but it’s time to close that door.”

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