KKK Hoods and Urine-Proof Sheets Spotted in Trump Tower Gift Shop

Two pranksters slipped the satirical merchandise into the Manhattan skyscraper on Monday.

Ku Klux Klan hoods and urine-proof bed sheets were for sale at Trump Tower’s gift shop this week. 

According to local news outlet Gothamist, two pranksters slipped the satirical merchandise into Manhattan’s Trump Tower on Monday.

The fake merchandise included a KKK hood “for fine people,” packages of urine-proof rubber sheets, a Russian “Trump” flag, and a postcard featuring Putin as the 45th President of the United States, among other things.

Gothamist checked to see if the items were still available on Tuesday — and they were.

But clerks at the store apparently caught on to the prank after Gothamist tried to buy the items. The reporters were promptly ordered out of the store. Within an hour, all the items appeared to have been removed.



i maybe ruined this, but for a brief moment there were KKK hoods & piss proof sheets in the trump tower gift shop https://t.co/9Y15adfVve http://pic.twitter.com/oxifkCedMg

— Jake Offenhartz (@jangelooff) August 29, 2017

“We thought the tourists coming in to buy some stuff, especially people from other countries, should get the whole story of who the president is, because the items in the Trump store don’t accurately reflect the person,” one of the pranksters explained to Gothamist.

Among the real items that have been sold at the Trump Tower gift shop? A t-shirt that confusingly read: “Shut the fake up media.”


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