Here's how to stop feeling exhausted after work every day
Brad Stulberg, coauthor of "Peak Performance: Elevate your Game, Avoid Burnout and Thrive with the New Science of Success" shares how you can stop feeling exhausted after work every day. Following is a transcript of the video.
Sleep is just so important so I'd start there, that to me is the lowest-hanging fruit. If you're not getting between seven to nine hours of sleep, I'd really make that a priority.
Second to sleep, I think that particularly if the work that you do involves your mind, not your body, exercise is a wonderful tool. It allows you to get in touch with a more physical sense of yourself, which I think, in it of itself, is very powerful but there is also lots of research that shows that exercise helps with a lot of the things that are driving people crazy about work. So things like anxiety, things like willpower, those can all be boosted by regular exercise.
Another thing that is very interesting to me is this notion of "social ties" and what I call "social recovery". So just hanging out with a group of people that you enjoy spending time with, not necessarily talking about work and things that are stressing you out, that defeats the purpose, but hanging out, having a good time has actually been shown to change our biochemistry and give us those same hormones that again promote growth and promote recovery.
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