Fox News' Charles Krauthammer Condemns Trump in No Uncertain Terms
Fox News is not exactly known for its progressive racial views, but popular conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer took to the network's airwaves Tuesday to tear into President Trump's latest remarks on Charlottesville. He was appalled at the president's racist embrace of white supremacist protesters and suggestion that anti-racism protesters were also to blame.
“What Trump did today was a moral disgrace," Krauthammer said. "What he did is he reverted back to where he was on Saturday and made it very clear that what he read on [Monday] was a hostage tape.”
Krauthammer couldn't have been any more explicit in his condemnation of the president's inability to recognize slavery and racism as the "original sin" of the United States. He also called the Charlottesville protest a "Nazi rally," whose "uniqueness of white supremacy, KKK and Nazism" appears lost on Trump.
Krauthammer finally added that "the only killing here occurred by one of the pro-Nazi, pro-KKK people.”
Watch his powerful condemnation of the president below:
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