Elizabeth Olsen Sometimes Cries Before Premieres & Explains Why

Elizabeth Olsen Sometimes Cries Before Premieres & Explains Why

Elizabeth Olsen gets her close up on the cover of ES Magazine‘s new issue.

Here’s what the 28-year-old actress had to share with the mag.

On catching up with her famous twin sisters: “I just had dinner with Ashley when the [Wind River] premiere was happening. She was very sweet to come with me to the after-party.’ I just think they’re brilliant women…I’ll go visit them at the office and sit in a meeting if I’m in and out of town. They’ll be talking about piping or buttons [and] they have taught me about art.”

On her fears for America: “It’s horrible to think how the rest of the world is viewing the United States right now. You don’t really know how to fix it as an individual because you can’t. What is cool about what’s happening right now, however, is that while people have always talked about causes that they are interested in, now they are actually actively a part of them.”

On her views on fashion: “It’s not my comfort zone. I went to a Dior show and ended up getting to wear a look to the premiere in New York. I felt great that night just because I felt like I was in something that I love. Sometimes when I’m not in something that I love I cry on the way to the premiere and I’m posing with my shoulders as far back as they go. Then I look at the photos and I’m like, ‘It did look nice. Why was I crying?’”

The full interview appears in this week’s issue of ES Magazine on Thursday, August 24.

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