Corinne Olympios Opens Up About 'Bachelor in Paradise' Scandal: 'I Was Really a Victim of the Media'

Corinne Olympios Opens Up About 'Bachelor in Paradise' Scandal: 'I Was Really a Victim of the Media'

Corinne Olympios sits down for her first live interview on Good Morning America on Tuesday (August 29) and opens up about her Bachelor in Paradise scandal with DeMario Jackson ahead of her sitdown interview with host Chris Harrison, airing tonight (August 22) on ABC.

“I have definitely taken my time to, you know, deal with everything, heal, and you know, I just felt, you know, laying low was really the best thing for me to do,” the 24-year-old reality show star expressed. “So, I’m definitely doing better. I really don’t remember much at all. I remember nothing from the situation and…it was just really unfortunate.”

“I did drink too much,” Corinne confessed. “I definitely understand that. But I was also on a medication that severely blacks you out and impairs your judgment and messes with your balance. But I didn’t know you were not supposed to drink on. And so I really just caused a horrible, horrible blackout. It was like I went under anesthesia and just woke up.”

Corinne also was asked to explain her first statement, saying she was a “victim”: “I was a victim of, you know, just being blown into the media and having people make these crazy, you know, assumptions and judgments about what happened that day,” Corinne said. “You know, I was really a victim of the media. All of a sudden people became an expert on the situation and what happened, and it’s like, ‘Well, I’m still trying to figure out what happened.’ It was just horrible to deal with.”

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